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With Peru’s latest round of electronic invoicing mandates set to take effect in only a few short months, it is important to understand that your solution selection criteria should include more than e-invoice connectivity. If you don’t understand how you will meet the certification process as well as how you will manage issues related to shipping and Libros reporting, you could find your business in peril come July 1st, 2015 – this means operational shut downs and exposure to tax penalties.

As part of go-live, an organization needs to make their readiness declaration.  The requirements include:

  • Check if Invoices, Boletas de Ventas, Credit and Debit Notes, Daily Summary and Contingencies are within the standards of the SUNAT

  • Both the Electronic and Paper Documents must pass the process

  • Once completion of the test is successful, the SUNAT will issue a Resolucion de Intendencia (R.I) Note: You need to ensure you have this document since you can’t be live in Peru without it.

  • Once you start the testing process you have 25 days to complete the process or you will be asked to start again. This means that having a provider that works with you through certification is critical.


There are common mistakes many companies are making around shipping and reporting. First, Libros reporting extractions are managed within SAP; however, most companies will look at decoupled Comprobantes de Pagos Electronicos (required invoicing documents) and Libros (purchase and sales) solutions. This is a mistake as every invoice, whether on the sales or procurement business area, will be accompanied by a government approval code – the constancia de recepcion (CDR).Second, shipping issues should not be overlooked either. In discussions with the SUNAT, they state that either the Factura or Boleta should accompany the truck in combination with the Guia de Remision (signed bill of lading which is part of the process) and, if using a 3PL, Guia de Transportista.  This means that similar to Chile and Brazil, having a solidified contingency plan in place is mission critical.The ramification of not looking at this holistically will leave your internal teams trying to figure out the process for readiness in order to not miss the deadlines. You can ask yourself the following questions to see if you are ready:


  • Do you have the subject matter expertise to ensure you pass all the requirements?

  • Have the providers you looked at included this Readiness declaration work as part of their service? Has this been overlooked by the teams as the requirements are new?

  • Are you in danger of not receiving certification because your systems are loosely coupled and not a single solution?


You will come across vendors in Peru that will say they can support compliance. However, you need to make sure you understand the entire process when selecting a solution there.  Otherwise, you will likely find yourself with operational issues, IT support issues, and at risk for audit penalties.  Remember it takes more than technology to be successful – it is as much a project management and SAP issue as it is a web service integration issue.

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