You successfully installed
Certificate Manager and now you are on next step to install DFI (Data File Integrator)
- Install tomcat (Same as other products)
- Run \Docs\database-creation-scripts\sql-server\CreateSqlServerUserAndDatabase.bat (Change log file location as per standard)
- Copy \Docs\application-server-files\logback.xml in to ‘conf’ folder of tomcat
- Copy Docs\application-server-files\tomcat\jmxremote.access and jmxremote.password to conf folder of tomcat
- Copy content of \tomcat\datasource-files\SQL Server DataSource Template.txt paste in server.xml (line 40 and 41)
<Resource name="jdbc/DataFileIntegratorDataSource"
validationQuery="select 1"
- Copy \Docs\application-server-files\ to tomcat’s ‘lib’ folder
# Copyright 2016 Thomson Reuters/ONESOURCE. All rights reserved.
# WSDL location for determination user service. Do not forget '?wsdl' at the end
# Indicate if the authentication service mentioned above is cloud service or not. (Accepted valules: true/false)
# Integer value of session timeout time for the application, in minutes. Max allowed value: 10080 (1 Week), default: 30, if property is omitted.
Note: Change URL as you required for : determination.service.authentication.url
- Open tomcat configuration and change memory to 2048 and 2048 (Set as per your requirments)
- Add java options as below
- -Dis.tomcat=True
- -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=Servername
- -Dlogback.configurationFile=../conf/logback.xm
- Copy sqljdbc4.jar to tomcat’s ‘lib’ folder
- Copy \WarFiles\ dfi-installer.war to tomcat’s ‘webapp’ folder
- Stop tomcat once you see OK message on installer
- Delete installer folder and war file from tomcat webapp folder
- Copy all another job-consumer-app.war, file-watcher-app.war, data-file-integrator.war to webapp of tomcat
- Copy folder “ DataFileIntegrator “ from Docs\file-watcher-directory-structure to ROOT of DFI installation
- Rename company A folder inside to “ Your Company Name” (You have assigned this company to User with 'Certificate Manager Admin' role)
- Click configure
- Provide created user and password
- Open determination service URLand paste in Base URL of configuration
- Certificate manager Base URL : http://host:port/cm-soap-service-app/
- File Source Directory : J:\ (As you copy 'DataFileIntegrator' folder)
- File processing threads : 2
- Email configuration:
- Under Services Dropdown select : UserService – FindUser
- Under Input TAB
- User: name
- Default: DBA
- Test: DBA
- Save mapping name as: FindUser
- Output TAB
- Select Message move over and save mapping
- Test to see if you can find users or not
- Share DataFileIntegrator folder root of J:\ so functional users can perform data load.
You successfully installed Certificate Manager software. Now we are going to install
Thank you