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Hello every one,

The main intention of this document is what is procedure to load the master data from flat file.. it covers the only basic things and which will be helpful for the beginners only.. Please share your comments or suggestion below.

There are so many points we need to add here, but this for beginners. feel free to add more points here..

Assumptions:         Dimension and Models are already available.

                                 The connection is already established.

                                 The number of columns in the source and destination are same.

                                 The master data is already available in the flat file and it’s in CSV format.

Step1: Log on to the BPC Excel

           Open excel and click on the tab EPM and click on Log on radio button.

Once click on the log on button it will ask for connection name, choose the connection name... it will ask for credentials.

Step 2: Upload data    

In this step we are uploading our master data file into application server.

Click on data manager tab --> Upload data --> browse the file and click on upload

Once you click on upload, it will ask for saving. Give a name as you like and click on save.

Step 3: Create a transformation file.

After uploading the master data file to application server, we need create a transformation file. By using this transformation file we are mapping the source and destination columns.

For that click on transformation file choose new transformation file

If the number of fields in source and destination are same and they are in same order then no need to map here. In BPC it will automatically map the fields in source and destination.

The transformation file looks like below..

The reason using Evdescription = Description, is if we don’t use this mapping some time the description is missing.. in order to avoid such kind of things map the description.

In the mapping section we have 3 scenarios.

  1. The data columns in the source and destination are same(our example)
  2. The data columns in the source and destination are same in different order then we will map accordingly






  1. The data columns in the source and destination are different and the header is missing


ID = *COL(1)




Here the ACCTYPE is not available in the source, so we are hard coded the value to INC type.

Next click on transformation file --> validate and process transformation file.

It will pop up a screen choose data type as master data from flat file, data field browse and select the data file which is place in the application server in step 2 and then select the respective dimension which you want load the data.

Next click on save, it will pop up screen for saving the transformation file, type name as you like and save.

Once the validation is successful we will see the log like below, if there are any error it will show here.

Step 4: Run the DM package

Click on DM tab --> Run package

Choose the data management and chose the master data import flat file dm package.

Next click on RUN

  1. It will ask for the data file browse it ( which is save in the step2)
  2. Next transformation file (which is save in step 3)
  3. Choose your Dimension ( to which dimension you want load the master data)
  4. Write mode (update Hierarchy)
  5. Click on run
  6. Next click on view status

VII. Once the package is successful, go to the web admin and check the data is available or not.

Thank you..


Saida Reddy G

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