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Hi all,


This is my experience with RE-FX.


My customer is having almost 50000 contracts(each condition consist of multiple condition types and multiple closed conditions).


Every new fiscal year  we have to generate cashflow in the RE-FX for each contract.


We have 18 business entities, which varies from 1000 to 10000 contracts per each . Also EMF is activated in our process, which reduces the response time of contract change drastically.


Here is the my experience with year end activity:


As a new person to the customer process, I have scheduled the cashflow generation in background using RECDCGOL transaction for FY 2012-2013 for one of the pilot launched business entity that which consists of approximately 5000 contracts .


Next day morning, when I check the job still it is running, third day also the job is running.


With a curiosity I checked VICNCN table for number of updated records during the last two days it was nearly 1200. I really afraid with this behaviour and started debugging the job. For each contract it was taking almost 5 to 6 mins.


The situation was really confused me, I have cancelled the job. Again I rescheduled the with the balance contracts of 3800 for the same business entity. I closely monitored the job.


With in the 5 mins of job start time  ------ nearly 8 to 9 contracts changed per minute


After 30 mins of job start time         ------ nearly 4 to 5 contracts changed per minute


After 60 mins of job start time         ------ The count has been reduced drastically to 1-2 contracts per minute


After  5 hrs of job start time            ------ Each contract is taking 3 to 4 mins


I waited till next day morning , nearly 900 contracts completed it's cashflow.


With the above statistics, I concluded that the performance of the RECDCGOL is reducing drastically with the contract volume increases.


We don't have enough time to raise OSS message and customer already crossed deadlines for payments.


The final solution is splitting the total contracts with a multiples of 200's(batches) , scheduling the separate jobs for each 200 contracts.


We scheduled the first job ( first batch of 200 contracts) and it is completed with in 20 mins, with this result we concluded that each batch requires a time of 20 mins. We have scheduled the remaining 2500 contracts with multipls of 200, divided in to 13 batches and scheduled with a duration of 15 mins..


All the jobs have been completed completed with in 3 Hours.


This technique helped us very much to complete the year end activity for FY 13-14, we have managed cashflow generation  for almost 50000 contracts with in 6 days.


Finally my conclusion with the above experience..


1.     Mass change/creation of the contracts is always proportional to the volume of the contracts


2.     The response time proportional to no.of condition types


3.     The response time proportional to no.of closed conditions with in the time slot.


I hope this will be useful during the RE-FX YEAR END ACTIVITIES i.e. Cash flow generation.


The same technique I have used during the automation of contract creation/change, which made our process simple and reduced the invoice process time.

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