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There are some performance issues at the time of BPC support packages upgrations. After upgrading the support packages, we may see some performance issues with long running of Legal consolidation package.

This document will help you in fixing those performance issues with long running of Legal Consolidation package.

Issue Description:

After upgrading the BPC NetWeaver version from 7.5 SP5 to 7.5 SP13, the Legal consolidation Package is taking longer than usual run time.

With the SP5 version, the Legal consolidation package used to run around 35-40 min, so after updating to SP13 the consolidation package was running more than usual time (running more than 6 hours)

Even though it is taking long time, the data ties-out correctly. So there issue only with performance and no variances.

Root Cause:

After analyzing the code, we identified that there are some changes happened to the program.

This is caused by a Program error/chance in SP11 which could produce the issue.

The Program has been changed while calculating the percentages, the percentage calculation step is taking more time. This is causing the issue for long running of legal consolidation.



In order to modify/fix the issue, SAP has implemented the code change in the below SAP Note.

By implementing the SAP note 1842749, the long running of Legal consolidation package issue can be fixed.

In this SAP notes, the fix has been implemented for Percentage calculation, so after implementing this SAP Note, we can see the improvement in the performance of the Legal consolidation package.

After implementing this SAP notes, we can see the tremendous improvement in the overall run time of Legal consolidation package. The overall run time has been reduced to 10 min.

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