Hi Guys,
I have previously discussed the 'Reconciliation key transfer concept: FICA to FI transfer', where I have discussed the front end of the process. Today let us discuss the back end.
Follow the Link Below if you are interested for the earlier blog:
Let's start:
Individual FI postings in FICA are transferred from FICA to FI in packets. These packets are ‘Reconciliation Keys’. These packets may have a single FI document, in case of a single manual posting, or a bundle of thousands of documents in case of mass periodic invoicing.
Whatever be the size of the packet, the attributes of these packets, ‘Reconciliation Keys’ do not change.
Life-Cycle of Reconciliation Keys:
Creation of Reconciliation keys:
Reconciliation keys can be created within an ABAP code with the following FM:
DFKKSUMC: Once reconciliation key is created an entry is created in table DFKKSUMC. At this stage only the creation details are updated and all other fields are blank.
Display of Reconciliation keys:
Reconciliation keys can be displayed at any stage of its life cycle.
Document Posting under Reconciliation Key:
After a reconciliation key is created, documents are posted under the recon key. Following tables are updated with the document number and reconciliation keys:
DFKKKO: This header data table has the reconciliation key updated for the document posted under the key (DFKKKO-FIKEY)
DFKKOPK: This item table for documents have the reconciliation key updated for the item of the document. (DFKKOPK-FIKEY)
These documents have some company codes assigned to them so the other reconciliation key tables are updated:
DFKKSUM: Company code, Debit/Credit Indicator, GL account and Business Area are the key fields stored in this table for the documents which are posted under the reconciliation key.
DFKKSUMCB: For each unique company code of each reconciliation key one item is posted in this table.
Closing of Reconciliation keys:
FPF2 (Single)/
FPG4 (Mass)
Reconciliation keys can be created within an ABAP code with the following FM: FKK_FIKEY_OPEN
Once the key is closed the following reconciliation key tables are updated as follows:
DFKKSUMC: The closed (DFKKSUMC-XCLOS) field is updated as ‘X’.
There is no update for the table DFKKSUM and DFKKSUMCB for the closing operation.
After the Reconciliation keys are closed the following T-codes can be used:
Check Total Records:
In order to check the reconciliation keys, the key must be first closed.
Transfer of Reconciliation keys:
Once the key is closed the following reconciliation key tables are updated as follows:
DFKKSUMCB: The transfer to FI from FICA actions bundles the items under a reconciliation key for each company code and transfers to the FI GL. The field DFKKSUMCB-XUEVO is updated as ‘X’ for the company codes for which the transfer was successful.
There may be a situation when the transfer was successful for a particular company code but wasn’t successful for another in that case the data item for the successful company code in table DFKKSUMCB will be updated with XUEVO = ‘X’, and for the unsuccessful company code item the XUEVO field will be blank.
If the reconciliation key transfer for all the company code under a particular key is successful then the XUEVO field for the item for the key in table DFKKSUMC will be updated as ‘X’. If transfer of even a single company code under a key is unsuccessful, that is, if the DFKKSUMCB-XUEVO field for any item for the particular reconciliation key is blank, then the XUEVO field for that reconciliation key in table DFKKSUMC field will be blank.
BKPF: When transfer for a particular reconciliation key from FICA to FI is successful, data item is inserted in table BKPF. Field BKPF-BELNR is the accounting document number posted in FI. The reconciliation key, transfer of which created the FI document can be found in the reference key (BKPF-AWKEY) concatenated with a sequential number.
After the Reconciliation keys are closed and the postings of FICA are transferred from FICA to FI, the following T-codes can be used to report the transfer:
Display of General Ledger Transfer:
This report will only be generated if the reconciliation keys are transferred to the General Ledger, else the report will through the following error:
“No documents exist for these selection criteria”
Itemization of Posting Totals
This report can be generated at any point in time, irrespective of the posting key is open/closed/transferred. This t-code reports the Documents which are posted under the reconciliation keys, in itemized format with all the document attributes displayed.
Display of Posting Totals
This report can also be generated at any point in time, irrespective of the posting key is open/closed/transferred. This t-code reports the totals of the documents which are posted under the reconciliation keys grouped under unique company code, business area and GL accounts.
GL Account Line Item Display:
Report for the items posted in the GL for the posting date range per company code will be generated.
Note: If you create a reconciliation Key within an ABAP code and do not want other processes to use the created key, use the FMs FKK_FIKEY_ENQUEUE & FKK_FIKEY_DEQUEUE
In general to get Reconciliation key related FMs use the following wild card FKK_FIKEY*
See you in my next document, till then let's try make our planet greener