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With continuous to how to create a risk in risk management Creation of Risk in Risk Management GRC V10.0


This document will gives you how to create/use key risk indicators tab in Risk



We can create two types of KRI

Standard KRI Instance

Manuel KRI Instance




Click in create standard KRI instance

It will ask for KRI instance Name and KRI Implementation



How to create KRI Implementations


KRI implementations can be created under Key Risk Indicators link




Click on KRI Implementations to create



To create KRI Implementation we need KRI template


How to create KRI template






Click on create button to create KRI template



Provide the KRI template name and select Value type from drop down



To select other details like system, Business process and Component

We need to go back to SPRO for maintenance

SPRO>GRC>Risk Management>Key Risk Indicators






Click Save to create KRI Template

Now created KRI template will be available in KRI template catalog like below



Now we can select the KRI template in creation KRI implementation



Provide KRI Implementation Name and select the created KRI template from F4




Select the connector type from drop down

Connector types are configured and maintained in SPRO



Maintain the connector names with system in Maintain Connectors and select connector type




Maintain the script for SAP table, where we need to provide the SAP table name.



Once we select the connector type, then connector and script field will be populated



Don’t save now, it will give error



Now go to Implementation details tab

In this tab we can select required fields for output value with options



Now Save

The created KRI implementation will be available in KRI Implementation catalog




Now we can use the created KRI implementation in Risk at Key Risk Indicators tab




Provide KRI Instance name and select the KRI implementation from F4 list

Select monitoring frequency, time frame then only Test Instance button will be enabled.



Now you can Activate KRI Instance, it will be available in Key Risk Indicators tab of Risk




We can create business rules for created KRI instance.

If you click on request localization of KRI instance then we cannot create business rules.

Status will become Localization Requested and Create button will be disabled.



Select the KRI Instance and Open

Click on Complete



Now status will change to Localized



Again Select the KRI Instance and Open

Click on Confirm



Now status will change to Active







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