Few years back when I started with my SAP IS-U/BW support project, I was not aware of the Invoicing/ FICA process and the main use of special ISU/FICA specific ECC extractors (Business Partner Items and Open Items).
I have tried to depict a pictorial representation of how FICA document is generated and its underlying tables updated with FICA document and a few BW reports that can be created from the BP Items and Open Items Dataflow.
Functional Flow Chart - FICA document Creation
Technical Dataflow and Tables
FI-CA Business Partner Items flow (0FC_BP_ITEMS) - Delta
- AR by GL Account – Daily Report - AR balances is displayed for respective G/L Account and Clearing Period (Aging buckets) as on daily basis.
Aging buckets basically shows the Open AR (Accounts Receivable) for days interval.Aging buckets are calculated based on Clearing Date and Net Due date with Offset
- Report Filter:
- Statistical Key = blank
- Clear Date = blank
- Report is executed for a system date (Current day)
- Dimension:
- Key Figure:
- Aging Buckets - Current,1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-180, >=181
- Total AR (sum of all Aging buckets)
- Reconciliation - ECC vs BW/BI
- Tcode - FPO2 - OI Balance
- Report Field - Total AR
Open A/R on Active Customer’s-Daily Report - AR balances is displayed for active contract account and AR Aging buckets.
- Report Filter:
- Statistical Key = blank
- Clear Date = blank
- Report is executed for a system date (Current day)
- Contract Account Status = 'Active' (this is derived based on Contract Move Out Date)
- Dimension:
- Key Figure:
- Current,1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-180, >=181
- Total AR (sum of all Aging buckets)
Open A/R on Final Customer’s - Daily Report - AR balances is displayed for Final CA and AR Aging buckets. Final Customers are move-out contracts.
- Report Filter:
- Statistical Key = blank
- Clear Date = blank
- Report is executed for a system date (Current day)
- Contract Account Status = 'Inactive' (this is derived based on Contract Move Out Date)
- Dimension:
- Key Figure:
- Current,1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-180, >=181
- Total AR (sum of all Aging buckets)
FI-CA Open Items at Key Date flow (0FC_OP_01) - Full
- AR Detail at Key Date – Month End Report - AR balances is displayed for respective G/L Account and Clearing Period (Aging buckets).

- Report Filter:
- Statistical Key = blank
- Report is executed for KeyDate (Snapshot Date)
- Dimension:
- G/L Account
- Clearing Period (difference value derived by KeyDate (Extraction Date/Snapshot Date) and Due Date from DFKKOP)
- Key Figure:
This post is helpful for BW consultants who are new to SAP ISU/FICA. This post not only displays the report layout and fields it also includes report objective, report filter, dimension and keyfigures.