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Tariff Code / Commodity Code

Business Scenario

Products are classified based on internationally accepted common nomenclature HTS/Tariff Codes. This helps customs authorities to identify products without having them to learn a company’s product codes and understand what kind of product is involved.

Background Information

Product Classification is one of the most useful functionality bundled in SAP GTS. It helps an organization to adhere with complex legal and compliance Trade regulations eg. ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations), facilitates correct Import duty calculation, aids in reporting accurate export statistics to designated authorities, helps build a competitive advantage in international markets etc. SAP GTS provides standard options for organizations to classify products with Harmonized system codes (Commodity codes, Schedule B, HTS, etc) in a seamless and accurate manner. Usage of the right options in SAP GTS can help Trade compliance officer's to carry out this classification activity in an optimized manner which can otherwise be a laborious activity (classifying one product at a time)


    • Software
      • SAP GTS
      • The Compliance and Customs Management are working in your SAP GTS system.
    • Hardware
      • SAP GTS Server
    • Required/recommended expertise or prior knowledge
      • Basic knowledge of SAP GTS
      • Basic knowledge of ABAP programming
      • Basic knowledge of XML.

Step-by-Step Procedure

     Prepare the XML file

          The XML file is provide by business. It is procured by business from 3rd party vendor

     Upload the XML file into SAP GTS System

      1. From the GTS cockpit, follow the navigation path

Transaction Code



               SAP GTS Area Menu -> Customs Management -> Classification



2. Select “Classification Master Data” Tab

3. Select Upload Tariff Code Numbers from XML File


               4. Enter “MKDATA” under field Data Provider or select relevant input from Drop down Menu F4

                  5. Enter relevant entry or select Drop Down Menu F4 under field Number Scheme

               6. Provide the path of XML File

               7. Check all parameters under “Overwrite Text of the Following Objects

               8. Check all parameters except “Simulation Mode” under “General Control Parameters

               9. SelectExecute” or “F8


     To avoid any inconsistency, suggest you to check the “Simulation Mode” under “General Control Parameters”. Once every thing is OK in

     simulation mode, remove the Simulation mode only and execute again.


               10. System display following screen after loading of the XML file



           For all successful data loaded, the system displays the status as “Green”. If it is red, please analyze the error and re- process file.

     Check the Log of XML file loaded in SAP GTS System


           1. From GTS cockpit, follow the navigation path\

Transaction Code


          SAP GTS Area Menu -> Customs Management -> Classification

          2. Select “Classification Master Data” Tab

          3. Select Search Upload Logs” under Tariff Code Number



         4. Enter relevant entry or select from Drop Down Menu F4 under field Number Scheme

         5. Select “Execute” or “F8


          6. All Log for loading the SPL through XML file display in the next screen.

          7. To know further details click on Log in below screen



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