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Updated on 31st January 2018 - Key Figure for Rates and Ownership.

Although the RTC implementation documentation implies the use of the standard key figure /ERP/RTC_AMO, this InfoObject in fact is not part of the RTC BI Content, as stated in SAP Note 2460119 - Missing Key Figure /ERP/RTC_AMO and Characteristic /ERP/RTCMODEL in System of Real-Time Consolidation 

Bear in mind that this post was created based on the 1610 FSP01 release.

The reason for RTC to have this special key figure is because normal amount key figures will have a compounding unit characteristic such as 0CURRENCY. When mapping the currency characteristic to BPC, this dimension requires additional properties to be used in the consolidation process and those standard unit characteristics do not allow that, without mentioning problems with the compounding characteristic in the backend.

At the same time, if we create a key figure type number - decimal (17,3) or floating point (16,16), it is not possible to choose neither the length nor the decimal places. BPC expects a DEC(28,2) - even though the CONSL_SL field in the ACDOCC table is DEC(23,2).

This blog will list the steps to create and customise the key figure to be used in the BW and BPC modelling side of Real-time Consolidation.

1- Create a Key Figure type DEC

In transaction code RSD1 enter the KF, display and double-click on the Data Element, the domain assigned by the system is RSKYFNUM - type DEC (17,3).


2 - Enhancing the key figure

Although the amount key figure is not delivered, the DDIC domain with the exact requirements is: RTC_AMOUNT - Domain of RTC Amount.

Before proceeding, confirm (via SE11) you have this domain in your system. If not, create a custom one as below:

Then go to SE16 and enter table RSDKYF. In the selections screen, input your newly created key figure in KYFNM.

In change mode, update the field DOMANM of both version A and M to RTC_AMOUNT.

After saving go to the key figure again and re-activate and it's done! Simple as that.

You can now assign your key figure and /ERP/RTCCURR to your BW and BPC, RTC modelling.

Additional - Rates and Ownership key figure

For situations where more than 2 decimals is required you will need to create an additional key figure and domain to specify the required decimals. This will be required mainly for assumption data sources as exchange rates and ownership cube.

For this situation, simply create a new domain and a new key figure and follow the same steps above. Below is an example of the domain and KF:

The key figure with additional decimals should not be used in the RTC Virtual Info Cube because the CONS_SL in ACDOCC is decimals 2.

Reference: Customizing the Domain for Key Figures


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