The general understanding in operating within a business is that once a bank statement comes in, it must be posted to the books in order to ensure that our records balance with the records of the bank. This accounting rule-of-thumb is a necessity for companies that want to keep abreast of their spending as well as detect any problems with their bookkeeping procedure. In SAP, how we do this is by running the transaction code FEBAN. Once we do this, we are treated to a window which allows us an overview of what transactions we have recorded thus far. In this article, we will be using the newest iteration of FEBAN. Older versions may not have the same sort of layout as mentioned here, so be advised.
FEBAN Main Window Layout
The FEBAN main window can be divided up into three distinct parts. The topmost part of the window allows us to select line-based items through some selection criteria. We term this part of the window the 'Worklist'. Just below this is the middle area which can give us details about any selected transaction in detail. From here we can extract amounts, descriptions, and any other information relevant to the transaction. The lower part of the window provides us with the ability to do cash allocation through services. We can also check line-item processes and attach documents to those processes from here as well.
Options for Cash Allocation
FEBAN has a unique way of dealing with cash allocation. We can search through our available invoices for those that need clearing and start assigning to them, either in full or partial payments. All of this can be done on a single screen, making for a more streamlined interaction as well as allowing for faster processing. There is also no limit on the amount of documents that can be processed in a single setting. There is one catch, however - the system does not allow posting unless the balance is zero, ensuring that all allocation necessary is done.
Dealing with Custom Transactions
This newest iteration of FEBAN also comes with the ability to edit some of the transaction records that we deal with on a regular basis. However, it must be noted that the editing that can be done is limited to batch-input rules and internal posting rules. The actual codes and amounts cannot be edited. Based on our edits we can streamline our search algorithms to detect custom strings added into the batch-input rules, increasing our automation and our ability to process the data.
Simulation and Reversals
While in the past it has been difficult to create reversals for postings, there is a feature that allows for simulation posting. Thus, if the post shows up as erroneous, we can edit it before the final posting takes place using. In addition, we can now do reversals and new posts, with that new post reflecting the reversal which it corrects. The posting log is a valuable financial forensic trail that offers us insight into what was actually done in any particular transaction. Additionally, we can manually assign the bank statement status without posting.
Mapping Relationships
One of the best things provided by FEBAN in its current iteration is the ability to run searches on both the posted document number and the bank statement number, making it even easier to pull up records. From the posted document, we can open the Document Relationships Browser and get an idea of what's connected to what. These additions to the SAP Bank Statement process has made it even easier for companies to utilize SAP to keep their bookkeeping up to date and conforming to the bank's final statement.