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3/Nov/2016 blog updated for re-tagging due to SCN migration

Hi All


If you are wondering what this document is all about then please refer to: Community Collaboration for GRC Blogs and Documents - you will find an overview of what this community collaboration is about and the rules on how you can contribute. You are still encouraged to write your own blogs and documents without participating in this process (it would be nice if you could update this document to let the community know you are working on something).


You are also welcome to be both the person who suggests the topic and the author. This can advertise you are working on the topic and hold yourself accountable to a deadline that the community is aware of.


Remember: Add a row below the 3rd row of the table to included your suggestion. Please do not change the first three heading rows as these rows indicate the title and a short summary of the content below. When including your name, please include your SCN profile as a hyperlink (easiest way to open your Profile in a new browser tab and copy the URL)


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Date Suggested Suggested By Document Type Idea Author Date Due Assistance? Link to item
DD/MM/YY Your SCN  Profile URL blog or document Title or topic idea Your SCN  Profile URL DD/MM/YY

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SCN document or blog link
27/05/14 leos Document EAM Audit Trail, Utilisation from a business point of view, high level alessandr0 31/05/15 EAM Utilisation and Log Review Process
27/08/14 alessandr0 / m.lee Document Analysis of the SAP delivered rule-set - do you accept as it is? Do you build your own or do you do something in between?
13/09/14 m.lee Document Business Role Management - overview and use of the methodology customisation
13/09/14 m.lee Blog Business Role Manager - What are the benefits and issues with using BRM and integrating with ARA and ARQ?
02/10/14 leos Document PSS - Best practices, pitfalls to avoid and things to consider while enabling PSS? m.lee 12/10/14 Reviewed by S.A, Alessandro & Gretchen Design Considerations to reduce Password Self Service (PSS) Intruder Risk
02/10/14 m.lee Blog BRM - discussion use of profile generation to distribute role to different systems vs system transports alessandr0 12/12/14 Input from susanne.obrist (Susanne is a highly experienced authorization consultant with several international projects in her backpack).
02/10/14 m.lee Document Summary of the GRC Org structure - which sections apply to AC, PC and RM and any tips on integration with ERP
30/10/14 darnell.suggs Document Link or Page to latest Configuration and Integration Documents for GRC AC 10.1 similar to SAP BOBJ AC 10.0
21/11/14 alessandr0 Document Usage of EAM - appropriate and inappropriate usage and its dangers alessandr0 30/11/14 Reviewed by Alessandro & Colleen Usage of EAM
02/03/15 alessandr0 Document Differences of direct and indirect role assignment alessandr0 06/03/15 Direct vs. Indirect Role Assignment

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