Welcome to my blog post on FM Derivations. In this blog, I will explain on how to use Table Lookup in FMDERIVE.
Note: In the example below, I am assuming that the Material Type = Commitment Item or Material Group = Commitment Item.
FMDERIVE is a structure containing the fields to derive the FM Dimensions like Commitment Items, Funds Center, Fund and etc.
When speaking about the procurement budget, most organizations that I have come across want to use Material Groups or Material Types as commitment items.
However, Material Types and Material Groups are not available as a part of FMDERIVE. Although material number is available. There are two ways to bring material types and material groups as a part of source field.
1 - Implementation via ABAP
2 - Table Lookup
How to Use Table Lookup to derive the Material Groups/Material Types
The concept of Table Lookup is to return values from a table by passing certain parameters to the key fields of that table. So how to use this effectively to lookup for Material Types or Material Groups?
We know that in FMDERIVE, the field Material Number is available. We are going use this to get Material Types or Material Groups from table "MARA".
1 - In FMDERIVE, select the step as "Table Lookup" and press enter
2 - In the next screen, enter the table name "MARA"
3a - Select the "Material Number" from the drop down list in the Source Fields for Table Lookup and select "Material type" (MARA-MTART) from the drop down list in the assignment of table fields to target fields. In the target field name, select "COMMIT_ITEM" from the drop down list.
3b - In case if the requirement is to call commitment item based on the material group, instead of MTART, you can use "MATKL" Material Group.
In cases where the Material Types or Material Groups are different than the commitment items, then instead of selecting Commitment Items in the Target field Field name, we can use additional empty fields provided in FMDERIVE for e.g USERTEMP1. We can use this field to write up another derivation step to call the commitment items.
Designing the derivation rules may vary from organization to organizations according to their budgeting policies. It is the efforts and experience of the consultant that ensure the use of derivations rules are effective enough for smooth flow of data to FM module module.
I hope that I am able to explain the concept of the subjected matter and I wish that this blog helps you in your implementations.
Best Regards,