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Irritation is a feeling of agitation. When you are irritated, you become frustrated easily. While pondering over some of the causes for irritation, I found that apart from traffic jams, working on severity 1 on Sundays, ‘500 Internal Server Error’ does cause irritation too.

In this blog, you will find the following common 500 Internal Server Error in GRC AC 10.x and their solutions along with few Note Numbers.



‘500 Internal Server Error’ While trying to cancel requests in ARM

After logging into NWBC and trying to cancel a request as administrator the following error message is appearing.


Solution: This happens if there is some corrupt data in the GRC tables for this request.  To resolve this issue, Cancel the request manually using the report 'GRFNMW_MANUAL_INSTANCE_CANCEL'.



While clicking the Access Request Creation Link, GRC generates "500 SAP Internal Server Error" error.


Solution: This happens due to non-working connectors maintained under the data sources configuration.

Make sure that the connectors mentioned in GRC-> Access Control -> Maintain Data Sources Configuration -> 'User Search Data Sources' and 'User Detail Data Sources' are working properly



While Accessing BRF+ and trying to create a decision table, GRC generates "500 SAP Internal Server Error" error.



Solution: Due to the program error caused in BRF+ Framework, this dump occurs. Please Apply SAP Note No: 2049865



"500 SAP Internal Server Error" when opening Simplified Access Request in Advanced Mode.


When opening Simplified Access Request in Advanced mode the “500 SAP Internal Server Error” is displayed with the following error message: ERROR: Access using a 'ZERO' object reference is not possible.


Solution: This happens due to Invalid value provided in the EUP setting parameter. To solve this issue: Go to SPRO > Governance, Risk and Compliance > Access Control > User Provisioning > Maintain End User Personalization


Select the EUP ID and maintain the parameter “Request For” has a default value as letter O.



"500 SAP Internal Server Error" when assigning a new owner to an existing organization.

After assigning a new owner to the existing organization and trying save the organization changes the system displays the 500 SAP Internal Server Error.


Solution:  This happens when the transport switch is active. Make sure to turn off the switch by performing the following steps.


Execute the t-code OOCR and set the column value toX’.



"500 SAP Internal Server Error" while running role level risk analysis or simulation

While running the Role level risk analysis or Role Level Simulation, the message "500 Internal server error" is displayed.

Solution:  This happens if the role name is getting truncated to the limit of 72 characters. Please implement the SAP Note: 2409294



"500 SAP Internal Server Error" while opening Search Request

While opening the Search Request, the message "500 Internal server error" is displayed.



Solution:  This happens due to an error in the custom field that is created.  Check the following with regards to custom field:

  • Custom field name should be less than the number of characters specified in data element.

  • Custom field name should not be longer than 22 Characters.



"500 SAP Internal Server Error" while clicking on Update Firefighter Log button

While Clicking on Update Firefighter Log button, the message "500 Internal server error" is displayed.



Solution:  This happens due to non-availability of connectors in SM59 that are configured in access control. Please Ensure that the connectors configured in Access Control are available in SM59 also.


Additions and Subtractions most welcome.



Rakesh Ram M


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