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Recently as part of  new SAP implementation program , got a requirement to implement BPC 10 on NW  BW on HANA . 

As many of you know BPC is an add-on on SAP NW BW and you can set up a  seperate landscape for BPC  and keep your core BI/BW  reportigng in a seperate  landscape

Considering several overheads, TCO and data duplication decided to go with same landscape for BPC on BW as well as core BW reporting .  This means there will be only one DB instance and one schemea , both BPC and core BW will share the same resources.

SAP  quick sizer offers sizing for BW powered by HANA for the database , as we have BPC also while sizing for such an environment , we have to consider the cube requirements for BPC as well .Whiel using the tool we need to consider the cube requirements from core BW reporting and BPC . Main challenge to do the initial sizing was that the customer has got several smal legacy databases for different business operations  along with using excel/microsoft mased tools to run some of the core processes.

Since there is no exisitng BW system , we can not use the standard SAP report to come up with sizing for BW on HANA. Possible option to do sizing using quick sizer for SAP BW powered by HANA.

If we dont have the  details for quick sizing , we can also do the sizing based on the database foot print ouf existing legacy databases , you will  have to consider the compression ratio as well  while doing the HANA sising from  the legacy databases footprints

Use the below formula to come up with HANA memory sizing:


RAM= ( X* 2 / 4 + Y / 1.5 ) * c)+ 50 GB

  • X= columnstore tablefoot print ( HANA requires double the meomry as that of column store data and apply a compression factor 1/4)
  • Y = Rowstore  table footprint ( compression factor 2/3)
  • c = compression factor of source database
  • 50GB is the memory required for HANA caches and HANA components

In case the rowstore data is not available , use below assuming a standard rowstore size of 60GB 

RAM = (S – 60GB) * 2 / 4 * c) + 90 GB

  • S is  source database size , 60GB row store , hence (S - 60GB) will be your columnstore footprint
  • This will  have to be double ( for HANA runtime/dynamic) and apply a compression of 1/4, hence the factor 2/4
  • c= compression factor of source database
  • 60GB is rowstore , assume a compression factor 2/3  , the total row store requirement = 40GB . This 40GB added with  50B HANA caches/components will make it 90GB

SAP provides scripts for various databases to capture the footprint , please refer OSS note 1637145 and the attachements

Sample Calculation:


Table footprint of source database: 50 GB row store + 672 GB column store

SourceDB compressed by factor 1.8


RAM = (672 GB * 2 / 4 + 50 GB / 1.5) * 1.8 + 50 GB = 715 GB

Disk(persistence)= RAM * 4 = 715 GB * 4 = 2,860 GB

Disk (log) = 715 GB

Use BPC sizing guide which will help you to size your application servers

Though with latest HANA optimized BPC ( via component HANABPC ) , most of the processing happening in HANA DB layer, it is still important to size your application server . Please refer to the sizing guide for SAP BPC 10 versio for NW  available in service market place

Assuming EPM add-in and web frontend are the UIs , the below table provides the initial sizing recommedations for  50, 150 and 300 concurrent users

Use these recommendations to come up with initial sizing for the number of users in your organization.

Implementation categories are defined in the sizing guide as below

Those who are planning for new BPC 10  NW version  on HANA , use the below components:

HANA    - SP06 /latest revision

SAP BW : NW 7.4  ( SP04 is currently available, SP 05 will be released in Q4  -Dec 2013 , recommendation is to go with SP05 as it  will have BW specific enhancements ) or  you can go with NW 7.31 SP09


In addition to regular add-on CPMBPC , add-on HANABPC is also requied  if your DB is SAP HANA

HANABPC 801 SP02  - SAP HANA component for Planning and Consolidation , to take advantage of HANA optimized BPC

While considering the HANA appliance configuration/sizig , please consider notes

1855041 - Sizing Recommendation for Master Node in BW-on-HANA

1702409 - HANA DB: Optimal number of scale out nodes for BW on HANA

1637145 - SAP BW on HANA: Sizing SAP In-Memory Database

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