Step 1: - BP group creation and assigning number range
RECACUST--> Flexible Real Estate Management-->Business Partner--> Relevant Settings for Business Partner in RE Context-->Number Range-->Number Range-->Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges
Step 2: - Linking of BP group to customer account group. For this scenario both BP group and customer account group is created as ZAK0.
RECACUST--> Flexible Real Estate Management-->Business Partner--> Relevant Settings for Business Partner in RE Context-->Business Partner - Customer-->Number Assignment: Assign Account Group to Customer
Step 3: - Maintain all the roles for which customer creation at company code level is needed.
RECACUST--> Flexible Real Estate Management-->Business Partner--> Relevant Settings for Business Partner in RE Context-->Business Partner - Customer --> Customer Roles
(Ensure than FLCU00 is added along with other customer roles which you want to extend to company code level)
Sep 4
RECACUST--> Flexible Real Estate Management-->Business Partner--> Relevant Settings for Business Partner in RE Context-->Business Partner - Customer --> Standard Values for Automatic Creation of Customers
Step 5 - Ensure your company code is added here
RECACUST--> Flexible Real Estate Management-->Business Partner--> Relevant Settings for Business Partner in RE Context-->Business Partner - Customer -->
Standard Values for Autom. Creation of Customers (Company-Code-Dependent)
Step 6 - This may already be done, but to be on safer side, just ensure below configuration also exist in your system.
A) SPRO--> Cross Application Components--> Master data Synchronization-->Customer/Vendor Integration -->Business Partner Settings -->Settings for Customer Integration--> Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Customer
B) SPRO--> Cross Application Components--> Master data Synchronization-->Customer/Vendor Integration -->Business Partner Settings -->Settings for Customer Integration--> Field Assignment for Customer Integration-->Assign Keys -->Define number assignment for direction BP to Customer