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Xpath expression

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi experts,

I have this kind of file :



          <Payload Role="S">



                         <Payload Role="S">















I would like to get the value of DocEntry in my <xsl:value of select=""/> but I don't know what is the correct syntaxe to use with the payload S.

Can you help me please?


Best regards


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hello Sarah,

Try this Msg/Body/Payload[@Role='S']/Msg/Body/Payload[@Role='S']/BOM/BO/Documents/DocEntry, if this xml came from an atom, try $msg//Msg/Body/Payload[@Role='S']/BOM/BO/Documents/DocEntry.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Leo,

It's doesn't work the system doesn't get back the value

Any other suggestions please?




Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Sarah,

Can you post here the real message from B1iF? Maybe the piece of message you paste before wasn't complete, so the xpath that I typed doesn't work.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Leo,

This is the message in Message Log for my second step:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

- <Msg xmlns="" MessageId="140807162716667584350A0000221785" BeginTimeStamp="20140807162716" logmsg="0044" status="success" msglogexcl="false" MessageLog="true" SubMessageId="1" BackMessageId="2" DelMessageId="" b1msg="Exception : DI Error: (-10) Enter due date [ORDR.DocDueDate]" b1status="failure" vBIU.errhdlg="" exceptionmsg="Exception : DI Error: (-10) Enter due date [ORDR.DocDueDate]">

- <Header>

<msglog step="Default message log" always="false" b1ifactive="true" />

- <ErrorHandler phase="" async="Default error handling" sync="Default error handling" outbound="Default error handling" errorinbox="true">

- <delqueue status="false" qok="false">




- <callvBIU status="true">


<stream />



<Receiver Id="0010000100" ObjId="single" />

<IPO Id="INB_IQ_INTQ_ASYN_BIU" tid="140807150949667584200A000022D3EA" />

<IPO Id="OUT_B1" tid="140807150949667588180A000022FB94" />

- <Resumption>

<starter ipo="/vP.0010000100.in_IQ/" />

<restart id="outbound" q="Q.OUT_B1.0010000100" s="S.Z.CCMarkSqlParrot" u="140807162716667584350A0000221785.1" />


<Sender Id="0010000100" ObjId="successor" />

<Successor Id="" Mode="" />

<Identification Ident="vBIU Name" IdPar="n.a." />

<nsList />

<Retrieval adapter="" type="" ruledoc="" />

<Outbound type="SAP Business One" channel="OUT_B1" />

<vBIU Id="Z.CCMarkSqlParrot" ver="1.0.0" SId="Z.B1CCParrot" filter="" phase="" />

- <Variables>

<var id="userid" value="no_authentication" />

<var id="username" value="no_authentication" />

<var id="DocE" value="81628" />


<Properties />

<VarProperties />

- <ReceiverList>

<Receiver Id="0010000100" filter="" subscribed="true" handover="P" />


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- <Body>

<Payload Role="T" Type="Handover" />

- <Payload Role="S">

- <vPStatus xmlns="" status="success" no="0000" Message="processing finished" Phase="final" B1IMessageId="140807162713667571100A0000225F0B" SubMessageId="4_1" BeginTimeStamp="20140807162713" EndTimeStamp="20140807162715" SenderSysId="0010000100" ReceiverSysId="0010000107" SenderObjectTypeId="17" ReceiverObjectTypeId="" succ="Z.CCMarkSqlParrot">

- <Msg xmlns="" MessageId="140807162713667571100A0000225F0B" BeginTimeStamp="20140807162713" recording="true" logmsg="0000" SubMessageId="4_1" status="success" msglogexcl="false" MessageLog="true" b1msg="" b1status="success" BackMessageId="4_2" DelMessageId="4">

- <Header>

<msglog step="Default message log" always="false" b1ifactive="true" />

<Receiver Id="0010000107" ObjId="single" />

<IPO Id="INB_B1_EVNT_ASYN_EVT" tid="140807150949667570950A0000225786" />

<IPO Id="PRC_B1" tid="140807150949667572270A0000227D49" />

<IPO Id="OUT_FILE" tid="140807150949667580240A0000227754" />

- <Resumption>

<starter ipo="/vP.0010000100.in_BEAE/" />

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<restart id="outbound" q="Q.OUT_FILE.0010000107" s="S.Z.CCgenerationFileParrot" u="140807162713667571100A0000225F0B.4_1" />



<Sender Id="0010000100" ObjId="17" />

<Successor Id="Z.CCMarkSqlParrot" Mode="message" />

<Identification Ident="B1 Event" IdPar="n.a." />

<nsList />

<Retrieval adapter="DI API" type="Object" ruledoc="" />

<vBIU Id="Z.CCgenerationFileParrot" ver="1.0.0" SId="Z.B1CCParrot" filter="$msg/BOM/BO/Documents/row/Confirmed='tYES' and $msg/BOM/BO/Document_Lines/row/U_GTI_E021='N' and $msg/BOM/BO/Document_Lines/row/U_GTI_E046='Y'" phase="" />

- <Variables>

<var id="userid" value="no_authentication" />

<var id="username" value="no_authentication" />

<var id="CodeT" value="" />

<var id="DocE" value="81628" />


<Properties />

- <VarProperties>

<property call="callsql.bfd" atom="atom1" id="SQL" value="#SELECT Name from [@GTI0004] where Code=''" />


- <ReceiverList>

<Receiver Id="0010000107" filter="" subscribed="true" handover="P" />


<MsgList counter="1" complete="true" multimsg="false" delmsg="4" />

<Outbound type="Flat File" channel="OUT_FILE" format="xml" fmode="write" fname="C:\TEMP\Out\data????.xml" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ruledoc="not_applicable" deli="" wrap="" dellead="0" />


- <Body>

- <Payload Role="T" Type="B1Event" add="">

- <Event xmlns="" B1EventFilter="false">

- <b1e:b1events xmlns:b1e="">

- <b1e:b1event>






- <b1e:keys count="1">

- <b1e:key>








- <b1ie:B1IEvent xmlns:b1ie="" SysId="0010000100" SysTypeId="B1.8.8" Task="I" LocalObjectType="17">

- <b1ie:PrimaryKeyList>

<b1ie:PrimaryKey Key="DocEntry" Value="81628" />





- <Payload Role="S" Result="0000" Msg="">

- <BOM xmlns="">

- <BO>

- <AdmInfo>




- <Documents>

- <row>










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- <Payload Role="C" id="atom1" system="0010000100" mode="single" method="Query Statement(Query Statement)" sql="SELECT Name from [@GTI0004] where Code=''" disable-output-escaping="false">

<ResultSet xmlns="" rowCount="0" />


- <Payload id="atom0" Role="R">

- <Fileout xmlns="" type="file">

- <BOM>

- <BO>

- <AdmInfo>

<Object>Commande Client</Object>







- <CommandeClient>



<num-ref-client />



<transporteur />

<code-incoterm />

<lieu-incoterm />

<adresse />

<code-postale />

<ville />

<pays />

<ident-fiscal />









- <CommandeClient-Lines>

- <row>



<desc-article>FAISCEAU TOYOTA</desc-article>








- <Payload Role="R2">

- <Fileout xmlns="" type="file">

- <BOM>

- <BO>

- <AdmInfo>

<Object>Commande Client</Object>







- <CommandeClient>



<num-ref-client />



<transporteur />

<code-incoterm />

<lieu-incoterm />

<adresse />

<code-postale />

<ville />

<pays />

<ident-fiscal />









- <CommandeClient-Lines>

- <row>



<desc-article>FAISCEAU TOYOTA</desc-article>












- <Payload Role="R" id="atom0">

- <B1out xmlns="" type="object">

- <Documents>

- <row>

<DocEntry />





<Document_Lines />



- <Payload Role="R2" Call="object" Type="DIAPI">

- <Envelope xmlns="">

- <Header>

<Action throwException="false">add</Action>

<WritePolicy insert_on_exists="fallback2U" update_on_miss="fallback2I" update_policy="regular" />


- <Body>

- <BOM>

- <BO>

- <AdmInfo>




- <QueryParams>

<DocEntry />


- <Documents>

- <row>

<DocEntry />





<Document_Lines />








Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sarah

Based on your input you should be able to get value of DocEntry using one of two methods:

<xsl:template name="transform">


      <xsl:value-of select="//b1e:value"/>



     <xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//DocEntry"/>



Since Msg element belongs to a namespace xmlns="" you should almost always attach 'vpf:' prefix to Payload, Body and Msg tags.

Kind regards,


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Sarah,

try this




Active Participant
0 Kudos

Great Radek, Much easier !!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Radek,

it's work thank you very much!!

Just another question, now I have access to DocEntry i want to update row of my order.

I have to access to Document_Lines but it's the same problem how to access if it's in the inbound of the first step?

your method works for the DocEntry but I don't see how to do with other things?

Thank you very much



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Radek,

I find my answer with your second method thank you



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Radek and Leo,

I don't know if it's because the syntax but when I do that:

<B1out xmlns="" type="object">



              <DocEntry>  <xsl:value-of select="//b1e:value"/>  </DocEntry>









                <xsl:for-each select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//Document_Lines/*">       

            <xsl:if test= "//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//Document_Lines/row/U_GTI_E046='Y' and //vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//Document_Lines/row/U_GTI_E021='N'">       








                    <xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//CreationDate"/>
















The sytem read always the first line and not the other. because of that I can't do update my order correctly.

Can you help me again with that please?

Thank you very much



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sarah

The following document has helped me many times when dealing with XSLT:

I think that your current problem is related to 'Don't lose the context node' section, listening 8.

Hope this helps - otherwise please send your input XML.

Kind regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi radek

this is my input xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

- <Msg xmlns="" MessageId="140808111554328763920A000022D64E" BeginTimeStamp="20140808111554" logmsg="0000" status="success" msglogexcl="false" MessageLog="true" SubMessageId="1" BackMessageId="2" DelMessageId="" b1msg="" b1status="success">

- <Header>

<msglog step="Default message log" always="false" b1ifactive="true" />

<Receiver Id="0010000100" ObjId="single" />

<IPO Id="INB_IQ_INTQ_ASYN_BIU" tid="140808080001328763820A000022ED4D" />

<IPO Id="OUT_B1" tid="140808080001328767350A00002248C0" />

- <Resumption>

<starter ipo="/vP.0010000100.in_IQ/" />

<restart id="outbound" q="Q.OUT_B1.0010000100" s="S.Z.CCMarkSqlParrot" u="140808111554328763920A000022D64E.1" />


<Sender Id="0010000100" ObjId="successor" />

<Successor Id="" Mode="" />

<Identification Ident="vBIU Name" IdPar="n.a." />

<nsList />

<Retrieval adapter="" type="" ruledoc="" />

<Outbound type="SAP Business One" channel="OUT_B1" />

<vBIU Id="Z.CCMarkSqlParrot" ver="1.0.0" SId="Z.B1CCParrot" filter="" phase="" />

- <Variables>

<var id="userid" value="no_authentication" />

<var id="username" value="no_authentication" />


- <Properties>

<prop id="DocE" value="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Properties/vpf:prop[./@id='DocE']/@value" />


<VarProperties />

- <ReceiverList>

<Receiver Id="0010000100" filter="" subscribed="true" handover="P" />


<MsgList counter="1" complete="true" multimsg="false" delmsg="" />


- <Body>

<Payload Role="T" Type="Handover" />

- <Payload Role="S">

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<IPO Id="PRC_B1" tid="140808080001328755810A0000225F06" />

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- <Payload Role="C" id="atom1" system="0010000100" mode="single" method="Query Statement(Query Statement)" sql="SELECT Name from [@GTI0004] where Code='69'" disable-output-escaping="false">

- <ResultSet xmlns="" rowCount="1">

- <Row>

<Name>DSV Messagerie EU</Name>




- <Payload id="atom0" Role="R">

- <Fileout xmlns="" type="file">

- <BOM>

- <BO>

- <AdmInfo>

<Object>Commande Client</Object>







- <CommandeClient>



<num-ref-client />




<nom-transporteur>DSV Messagerie EU</nom-transporteur>



<adresse>174 Quai de Jemmapes</adresse>













- <CommandeClient-Lines>

- <row>



<desc-article>X - Faisceau adaptateur VOLVO</desc-article>



- <row>



<desc-article>X-FAISCEAU CHRYSLER</desc-article>








- <Payload Role="R2">

- <Fileout xmlns="" type="file">

- <BOM>

- <BO>

- <AdmInfo>

<Object>Commande Client</Object>







- <CommandeClient>



<num-ref-client />




<nom-transporteur>DSV Messagerie EU</nom-transporteur>



<adresse>174 Quai de Jemmapes</adresse>













- <CommandeClient-Lines>

- <row>



<desc-article>X - Faisceau adaptateur VOLVO</desc-article>



- <row>



<desc-article>X-FAISCEAU CHRYSLER</desc-article>












- <Payload Role="R" id="atom0">

- <B1out xmlns="" type="object">

- <Documents>

- <row>





- <Document_Lines>

- <row>











- <Payload Role="R2" Call="object" Type="DIAPI">

- <Envelope xmlns="">

- <Header>

<Action throwException="false">add</Action>

<WritePolicy insert_on_exists="fallback2U" update_on_miss="fallback2I" update_policy="regular" />


- <Body>

- <BOM>

- <BO>

- <AdmInfo>




- <QueryParams>



- <Documents>

- <row>





- <Document_Lines>

- <row>
















Former Member
0 Kudos

As you see the system read only line 0 twice (2 lines).

I would like test for each line the value of an attribut and if the test is ok update order but the code which I post doesn't work.

Did you see my error ou do you have an idea to do that please?

There is my code :

<B1out xmlns="" type="object">



              <DocEntry>  <xsl:value-of select="//b1e:value"/>  </DocEntry>









                <xsl:for-each select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//Document_Lines/*">       

            <xsl:if test= "//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//Document_Lines/row/U_GTI_E046='Y' and //vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//Document_Lines/row/U_GTI_E021='N'">       








                    <xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//CreationDate"/>



















Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sarah

Actually in the document that I referred to in my previous comment you could find that for-each function creates new context:

The expression /invoice/item in xsl:for-each correctly selects all items in the invoice. But expressions inside xsl:for-each are wrong, as they start with /, which means that they're absolute. Such expressions always return a description, the quantity, and price of the first item (remember from the previous section that xsl:value-of returns only the first node from a node set), because an absolute expression does not depend on the current node, which corresponds to the currently processed item.

To easily fix this problem, use a relative expression inside xsl:for-each

i. e.: <xsl:if test= "U_GTI_E046='Y' and U_GTI_E021='N'">

Kind regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Radek,

Sorry but I don't understand very well, What I suppose to put inside xsl:for each to considere all the lines and not just the first and to do my test on all the lines?

Thank you very much



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sarah

Your xsl:for-each is ok.

The only thing that needs to be changed is your if statement. Since when your loop is being executed it changes a processing context you don't have to use absolute paths inside your loop. Thus you need to change only your if statement to:

<xsl:if test= "U_GTI_E046='Y' and U_GTI_E021='N'">

Kind regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Radek,

Thank you for your answer.

I try that you said but it doesn't work.

The test is made only on the first line and it's not made correctly.

My code is:

<B1out xmlns="" type="object">



              <DocEntry>  <xsl:value-of select="//b1e:value"/>  </DocEntry>









                <xsl:for-each select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//Document_Lines/*">       

            <xsl:if test="U_GTI_E046='Y' and U_GTI_E021='N'">       







                    <xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'S' and @Result != '']//CreationDate"/>
















Is that ok?

Thank you very much for your help



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Radek,

I change the position of my if statement, I put after <row> and apparently it's work fine

Thank you very much for your help,



Former Member
0 Kudos

Great! It saves me headache - I just tried and it seemed to be working and I've have been struggling to figure out what's the reason for your problems.

I'm glad that I've been helpful.

Kind regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Radek,

I work on another scenario but I have almost the same problem that at my first post.

I have  scenario with two steps. First step export an order of sap to a file on a FTP. The second step get back this file from the FTP and create a Delivery notes in sap from this file.

The two steps are link by Succesor/predecessor,

This is the message from B1i:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

- <Msg xmlns="" MessageId="140812095722094324630A0000220F5C" BeginTimeStamp="20140812095722" logmsg="0044" status="success" msglogexcl="false" MessageLog="true" SubMessageId="1" BackMessageId="2" DelMessageId="" b1msg="Exception : DI Error: (-2028) No matching records found (ODBC -2028)" b1status="failure" vBIU.errhdlg="" exceptionmsg="Exception : DI Error: (-2028) No matching records found (ODBC -2028)">

- <Header>

<msglog step="Default message log" always="false" b1ifactive="true" />

- <ErrorHandler phase="" async="Default error handling" sync="Default error handling" outbound="Default error handling" errorinbox="true">

- <delqueue status="false" qok="false">




- <callvBIU status="true">


<stream />



<Receiver Id="0010000100" ObjId="single" />

<IPO Id="INB_IQ_INTQ_ASYN_BIU" tid="140811200001094324410A000022D4FD" />

<IPO Id="OUT_B1" tid="140811200001094329300A00002266E1" />

- <Resumption>

<starter ipo="/vP.0010000100.in_IQ/" />

<restart id="outbound" q="Q.OUT_B1.0010000100" s="S.Z.Scenario2BonLivraison" u="140812095722094324630A0000220F5C.1" />


<Sender Id="0010000100" ObjId="successor" />

<Successor Id="" Mode="" />

<Identification Ident="vBIU Name" IdPar="n.a." />

<nsList />

<Retrieval adapter="" type="" ruledoc="" />

<Outbound type="SAP Business One" channel="OUT_B1" />

<vBIU Id="Z.Scenario2BonLivraison" ver="1.0.0" SId="Z.B1Scenario2" filter="" phase="" />

- <Variables>

<var id="userid" value="no_authentication" />

<var id="username" value="no_authentication" />


<Properties />

<VarProperties />

- <ReceiverList>

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- <Header>

<msglog step="Default message log" always="false" b1ifactive="true" />

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<IPO Id="INB_B1_EVNT_ASYN_EVT" tid="140811200001094314780A00002230C5" />

<IPO Id="PRC_B1" tid="140811200001094316090A0000220003" />

<IPO Id="OUT_FILE" tid="140811200001094321380A00002262D8" />

- <Resumption>

<starter ipo="/vP.0010000100.in_BEAE/" />

<restart id="processing" q="Q.PRC_B1.0010000100" s="S.Z.Scenario2ExportFTP" u="140812095717094314920A000022BC74.4" />

<restart id="outbound" q="Q.OUT_FILE.0010000107" s="S.Z.Scenario2ExportFTP" u="140812095717094314920A000022BC74.4_1" />



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<Identification Ident="B1 Event" IdPar="n.a." />

<nsList />

<Retrieval adapter="DI API" type="Object" ruledoc="" />

<vBIU Id="Z.Scenario2ExportFTP" ver="1.0.0" SId="Z.B1Scenario2" filter="" phase="" />

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<var id="userid" value="no_authentication" />

<var id="username" value="no_authentication" />

<var id="DocE" value="81668" />


<Properties />

<VarProperties />

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- <BO>

- <AdmInfo>




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<U_PAR_D002 nil="true" />

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<desc-article>X - Faisceau adaptateur VOLVO</desc-article>



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<desc-article>X-FAISCEAU CHRYSLER</desc-article>








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<desc-article>X - Faisceau adaptateur VOLVO</desc-article>



- <row>



<desc-article>X-FAISCEAU CHRYSLER</desc-article>








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<desc-article>X - Faisceau adaptateur VOLVO</desc-article>



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<desc-article>X-FAISCEAU CHRYSLER</desc-article>












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<desc-article>X - FAISCEAU RENAULT / MERCEDES</desc-article>



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<desc-article>FAISCEAU FORD / JAGUAR</desc-article>









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- <Documents>

- <row>


<U_PFL_NumTransKN1 />

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<CardCode />


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<U_PFL_Poids />

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<U_PFL_Poids />

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<Document_Lines />








Former Member
0 Kudos

and my code in atom0 of the second step is :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

- <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:b1e="" xmlns:b1ie="" xmlns:bfa="" xmlns:jdbc="" xmlns:rfc="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions" xmlns:sim="" xmlns:utils2="" xmlns:vpf="" xmlns:xci="" xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0" bfa:force="" vpf:force="" jdbc:force="" rfc:force="" b1ie:force="" b1e:force="" xci:force="" sim:force="" utils2:force="">

  <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />

  <xsl:param name="atom" />

  <xsl:param name="sessionid" />

  <xsl:variable name="msg" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/vpf:Payload[./@Role='S']" />

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- <xsl:template match="/">

- <Msg xmlns="">

  <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/@*" />

  <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header" />

- <Body>

  <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/*" />

- <Payload Role="R" id="{$atom}">

  <xsl:call-template name="transform" />





- <xsl:template name="transform">

        <B1out xmlns="" type="object">



        <DocEntry><xsl:value-of select="//b1e:value"/></DocEntry>

        <U_PFL_NumTransKN1><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//Num-Transaction"/></U_PFL_NumTransKN1>

        <U_PFL_DateTransKN1><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//Date-Transaction"/></U_PFL_DateTransKN1>

        <CardCode><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//CodeClient"/></CardCode>

        <U_PFL_NumBLKN><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//bonlivraison-KN"/></U_PFL_NumBLKN>

        <U_PFL_DatePrepaKN><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//date-preparation"/></U_PFL_DatePrepaKN>

        <U_PFL_TypCde><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//type-commande"/></U_PFL_TypCde>

        <Conformite><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//conformite"/></Conformite>

        <U_GTI_D013><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//nb_colis_total"/></U_GTI_D013>

        <U_PFL_nb_pallet><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//nb_palette_total"/></U_PFL_nb_pallet>

        <U_PFL_volume_total><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//volume_total"/></U_PFL_volume_total>

        <U_PFL_Poids><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//poids_total"/></U_PFL_Poids>

        <U_PFL_ship_date><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//Shipment_Date"/></U_PFL_ship_date>







        <xsl:for-each select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//Document_Lines/*">


        <LineNum><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//num-ligne"/></LineNum>

        <ItemCode><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//code-article"/></ItemCode>

        <ItemDescription><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//desc-article"/></ItemDescription>

        <Quantity><xsl:value-of select="//vpf:Payload[./@Role = 'C' and @calltype ='FTTP']//quantite"/></Quantity>






  <xsl:attribute name="pltype">xml</xsl:attribute>



Former Member
0 Kudos

The first step works fine but the second fails and the result message is :

Exception : Invoke of: ReadXml Source: Description: '' is not a valid value for property 'U_PFL_TypCde'. The valid values are: 'NO' - 'NO', 'EX' - 'EX', 'TRF' - 'TRF', 'CDS' - 'CDS', 'WEB' - 'WEB'

or when I delete the UPFLTypCde the message is :

Exception : Invoke of: ReadXml Source: Description: Property 'Conformite' of 'Document' is invalid

and when I delete again Conformite I have this message:

Exception : DI Error: (-2028) No matching records found (ODBC -2028)

In resume, The system doesn't get back informations to create the delivery notes

Do you see where is my mistake in my syntaxe please?

Thank you for your help

Best regards


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