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WIP for Current Month based on Result Analysis Key

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I have a small query which is basically related to WIP calculation on WBS element. i have noticed that when i use RAY Type F then system calculates cumulative WIP of all the previous months and post them into WIP account while my requirement is that system should calculate the WIP for the current month only.

E.g. posted amount for first period is suppose 1000/= USD and same amount was also posted in second month then while executing WIP for second month system is calculating cumulative WIP 2000 USD. infact system should calculate only 1000 for second period.


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The extra field for Usage is on OKG4, Define Update for Results Analysis. It writes the creation and usage values to these RA Cost Elements.

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Sorry for my late response. Please find attached screenshots and advice accordingly.


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Look at the RA Version configuration details and the Split Creation/Usage indicator. Read the help on this field.

It is also a good idea to create different technical cost elements (at the bottm of the RA Version config).

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Thank you for your guidance. i studied Split According to usage creation option and it is written that:-


You turn on this indicator in the following situations:

  • When you want creation and usage to remain visible within a given period
  • When you want reductions to be differentiated between cancellation and usage

But in dependencies section it is written that

  • A field will appear under Update for creation and another field for usage. Define the update for creation separately from the update for usage

i couldn't find this field, i appreciate if you could share screenshots as well.

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Please show your RA Version configuration screenshot.

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There is a setting in config where you can either reverse last months posting and post a new full amount or just post a net amount. This happens during settlement. Are you running a query on the RA tables?

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Can you Please share the configuration settings?? I just need to calculate the WIP for current month only rather then cumulative calculation of WIP. Can i use any other RA type for WIP calculation on the basis of Actual not using any query on RA tables