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What exactly happen when user delete B1 Cluster to clear PCL1?

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Can anyone tell me exactly what happen when user delete the cluster table using the report RPUP1D00 in Production Server? I know on execution of the report, the cluster table PCL1 (PT_CLSTB1) is cleared and I have test run in Sandbox Server. I check the PC_PAYRESULT, TEVEN and other relevant tables and everything seems okay. However, I would like to know what else this report do while clearing the cluster.

Thank you

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Active Contributor


There are many different clusters in the HR system

'B1' cluster contains the following tables - see transaction PT_CLSTB1

If you delete the 'B1' cluster for an employee you will only be deleting these tables.

It is very rare but not unheard of that you need to delete the 'B1' cluster for an employee in the Production environment. It can happen that an employee keeps retroing back causing an issue and the reason for the retro cannot be determined. When all else has failed then it may be the only recourse.

When you rerun time from a date for an employee whose 'B1' cluster has been deleted, the cluster gets repopulated with the appropriate data.

NOTE You mention PC_PAYRESULT above, I am an not sure if you could delete the payroll cluster results for an employee and I am fairly certain I would not do that.


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Thank you Gibbons. The answer is helpful. Just to know if deleting the B1 cluster have an impact on leave balances too?

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
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Leave related tables are held in the 'B2' cluster -see trans PT_CLSTB2

So not directly affected by deleting 'B1'.

As before however if you rerun time from an historic date the 'B2' cluster will also get recalculated.
