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VBOF sap rebates agreement

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Hi expert

I have a main list of rebates agreement   

I would like to know if there is any tips to identify the agreements  without VBOF run.

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Have you explored KONA table in se16n?
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Tips to identify rebate agreements without actually running the VBOF transaction. 

Check the agreement status in VBO2/VBO3. Agreements with status "Open" or blank may need VBOF processing. Look for agreements with validity periods that started in the past. Review the sales volume data in the agreement. If it shows $0 or seems outdated, VBOF may be needed to update it. 

Check for the VK780 message ("Sales volume not current") when opening agreements in VBO2/VBO3. This indicates VBOF is required. These retroactive agreements typically require VBOF to include past invoices. 

    1. Check for the VK780 message ("Sales volume not current") when opening agreements in VBO2/VBO3. This indicates VBOF is required
    2. Run a custom report to identify agreements with:
      • Past start dates
      • $0 or low sales volumes
      • Open status
      • No recent VBOF processing date
    3. Review recently created or modified agreements, especially if backdated.
    4. Check agreements where conditions were changed retroactively.
    5. Look for agreements linked to promotions or campaigns that may need retroactive processing.
    6. Review the VBOX table to see which agreements have the KSPAE flag set, indicating VBOF is needed.