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User status shift automatically?

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I have created two user status:

10 NWLD lowest 10 highest 10

20 ALWD lowest 20 highest 20

Now 1st one is active i want second to be automatically active after one movement on the same screen: eg say in inspection lot screen I am attaching task list so system status getting change. Now here I want as soon as task list assigned my user status should shift auomatically to 20


Kaushal Rai

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First change profile as follows:

10 NWLD lowest 10 highest 20

20 ALWD lowest 20 highest 20

Double click on status number 20 & against business transaction "Choose task list for insp. lot" select "Allowed" & "Set".

Hope this will work.

Try & let us know.

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Dear Hemant,

For 1st onr highest is not 20 its 10 only. Its from 10 to 10

for second its 20 to 20


Kaushal Rai

Active Contributor
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i think you are confused with thing the number specified in the highest number is corresponding to the status number specified in the first column

kindly check the help below

Status A has the status number 30 and the 'highest number' 50.

If status A is active, only statuses with status numbers 50 or less can be activated



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Dear Thiyagrajan,

That I know. But I don't want manual shift from one status to another.

What I have posted here if 1st status i change lowest 10 and highest 20 then it will be done.

But I want auto shift because I feel SET radio button is for this purpose only. Even if the status with status number is higher than permitted.


Kaushal Rai

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Dear Kaushal

As per earlier thread you have followed the settings provided another member and reported the error ,for this error only i suggested the example for understanding

kindly change the highest number to 20 for the 1st status number 10 and then try



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> Dear Hemant,


> For 1st onr highest is not 20 its 10 only. Its from 10 to 10

> for second its 20 to 20


> Regards,

> Kaushal Rai

So what Hemant is to do is change it accordingly. Change it from 10-10 to 10-20

And then try to "Set" the Bus trx as hemant has suggested.



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Dear Shyamal,

I did this also. I took 10 to 20 for second status. But the same error comes. Its not allowing me change status automatically from 10 to 20 when I am running that tranaction for which I have indicatated SET in status no 20.


Kaushal Rai

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Kaushal,

To set any user status automatically what you need to do is, Activate the radio button "SET" against that business transaction.

So in your case what you need to do is, for the second status "20 ALWD lowest 20 highest 20" add the business transaction "Assign specifications" and activate the Radio button "SET" against it.



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Dear Shyamal,

Followinf error is coming


The user status 'ALWD' has reference number 20. In the current object status, the reference number of a status may not be higher than 10.


You can only set user status whose reference number is not higher than 10.

For the status 20 I have taken transaction and selected SET button but then also its not shifting.


Kaushal Rai

Edited by: Kaushal Rai on Oct 22, 2008 2:18 PM