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Updating Approved Documents not going for approval

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We have noticed, that our PO entered via the Approval process can be updated by the originator or any other user and saved without the document going back for approval.
We have enabled the below option since we want the user to update the document if needed, but the document should be returned for approval.
If we disable the enable updating option, the user is not able to update the document at all. This is not our requirement.
In the earlier version of SAP, an updated document would be sent back for approval was working.
Could you please explain this behaviour from SAP B1 10?
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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi  juzersm1990

As per system behavior, 

When a document got the approval first time and added, now if the update is not making any change in the approval condition then system will not trigger the Approval.

You can understand this with the following example :

- You setup the approval if the document total is greater than 100

- You add the document with amount 101  - system will trigger the approval

- Add the document after receiving the required approval.

- Now change the document total to 102 - system will trigger the approval again since  it is again meeting the approval condition.

- Now try to make a change in the document which does not cause any change in document total, Ex- Change the Documents remarks or any other Text field - System will not trigger the approval since it is not meeting the approval condition.

If you want to trigger the approval on every update then rather than using the Query use the option "Always " to define the approval template, after that system will trigger the approval every time when you update the document except the following changes :

Document remarks
Journal entry remarks
Opening and Closing remarks (in right-click menu)
Referenced documents

A similar scenario is also documented in attached KBA 3367419.

I hope it will clear your doubt about this.

Kind Regards
Nidhi Singh