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Union Dues WT6415 is not getting deducted for the PP22

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Hi All,

Please help for the below issue:

Wagetype 6415 is not working as expected.

With Payment model 0053, this WT6415 should deduct in the applicable period If there are hours worked in any of the periods with in the month.

Worked 8 hours in PP01 (Payperiod) therefore should be union deduction taken in PP05

Worked 8 hours in PP19 (Payperiod) therefore should be union deduction taken in PP22.

No Deductions are taken at all and instead entire amount YTD is being refunded.

Below highlighted WT6415 Union dues flat CPQMC should get deducted. Worked 8 hours in PP19 (Payperiod) therefore should be union deduction taken in PP22.

Thank you

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0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

T549U - Payment model deduction

Input ZDD9

Thank you

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Hi Jimson,

Could you please help on the above issue.

Thank you

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Hi Jimson,

Can you please help us on the below issue.

I have maintained the hours for the 19th Payperiod and run the live payroll. Also i ran 20, 21 and 22nd payroll when i do simulation the monthly cumulation value is not getting. So the payment model for PP22nd its not getting deducted.

PP 22nd

22nd payroll simulation WT6415 is not getting deducted

I could see the M monthly cummulator for the PP21


Thank you

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Please update the rule as follows

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Hi Jimson,

Thank you for your immediate response.

I will check all the scenarios and will come back to you shortly.

Thank you again.

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Can you add one more line of Code as following ?

NUM= CM4003 ---> To check monthly hours except current period

NUM+ 4003 ----> To check current period hours


0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

Ok sure. I will do the same.

Thank you

0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

Thank you for your response.

I have added the NUM+4003

Getting the output for the pcr zcc9

Thank you

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Input for the 9th Pay period working hours Wt4003 have 40 hours

Input table of ZCC9

Processing ZCC9

Output of ZCC9: WT6415 is not generated

Active Contributor
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Can you check the table T54C3 of WT4003 (Processing Class 30 - Specification T) for cumulation type M as shown below. If the following entry is not configured, please add it. Rerun the test case and check the results.

0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

Thank you for the response.

I have added the above mentioned, but still WT6415 PP05 its not getting deducted.

I am running the payroll from 1st PP to 9 Pay Period (Live Run). 5th PP there is no deduction that is working fine, because from 1st PP to 8th Pay Period there is no Working hours maintained so that scenario is correct and working as expected.

Keyin the working hours for 9th Pay period and WT4003 have working hours of 40 hours but there is no deduction happen but 9th period is the standard deduction period.

Input Parameter:

WT4003 have 40 hrs working hours

can you please send a test mail to

Thank you

0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

The highlighted two scenario is not working currenly.

0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

Thank you for your response.

Now i have maintained ZCC9 PCR and I have added the working hours for 1st PP and run the payroll for 5th PP. Deduction is not happened.

0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

Below is the ZCC9 PCR. I have mapped WT4003 (weekly having the working hours) because it contains CRT value instead of 9903.

CRT table output

5th Pay period Weekly Payroll area.

Thank you

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Decision on NUM=CM4003 is not accurate for your scenario. Because , 0 hours also will pass through the above rule.

The rule should be as follows,





The WT4003 CRT entry which you highlighted has cumulation parameter Y in the last column.

So make sure the parameter M is configured for WT4003 in table T54C3, if not , this solution will not work.

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Can you share the screenshots for CRT table view of WT9903 at the end of PP05 and the updated rule ZCC9 ?

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Hi Lakshman,

First, you have a payment/deduction model, and it's set up as expected. Then,maintain the deduction model in IT0014 and let the system take care of deductions at required intervals.

Secondly, If EE is working, WT9903 will be generated.Then,depending on the WT 9903 configuration in T54C3, the wage type will be updated in the CRT table with cumulation parameters M,Y,K,Q etc. Now, via PCR, read monthly hours from CRT (NUM=CM9903) . If EE is not working for the current month, the return value from CRT will be 0 ,otherwise it will be >1. Based on 0 or >1, deduct the dues. Hope this helps.


0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

Thank you for your response.

WT6415 is deducting even if there is no working hours in 5th Pay period. Deduction will happen only if there is any working hours available from 1st PP to 5th PP. If there is no working hours from 1st PP to 5th PP then deduction will not happen in 5th PP.

Thank you

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Hi Jimson,

Thank you for your response.

WT6415 is getting deducted in the 5th PP even if there is no working hours. But scenario is below:

Thank you

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Deduction model can be maintained directly in IT0014.

The rule is for specific wage type 6415 , so the rule can be placed in schema as follows,


NUM=CM9903  ---> Please read SAP documentation of NUM ,Operand C.
* No action required as deduction is not expected for zero or less hours
> ADDWT * -- > The deduction amount is already available in Input table , just transfer it to OT table without any change
0 Kudos

Hi Bhaskar,

Currently executing the 5th Pay period (weekly payroll). The scenario is PCR should check the WT9903 stored any hours from the 1st PP to 5th PP. If any one of the PP having more than 0 working hours then the WT 6415 should deduct in the 5th PP (fixed of 20- CAD) based on the Payment model (5th, 9th, 13th, 18th Period..etc.).

I do not know how to write the PCR here to check the previous PP WT9903.

Thank you

0 Kudos

Hi Bhaskar,

Thank you for the response.

Below are the IT table

Thank you

0 Kudos

I would like to see the VAR table for 6415. Also, from the IT table, I dont see anything for WT 9903. So effectivly,

the highlighted operation will yield 0 (assuming there is nothing for 6415 in VAR table)

0 Kudos

Can you print IT and VAR table right before your rule is called and show a screenshot of it. Are you sure you have the amount in variable table for 6412 and WT 9903 has anything in the number field in IT?

0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

Can we read the hours from previous PP in CRT table.

Can you please guide me how to proceed further.

Thank you

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Hi Jimson,

Here is the PCR ZCC9. If you don't mind can you please send one test mail to my id..

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Hi Lakshman,

To check monthly hours for WT9903, you need to read it from CRT table.

The above rule will only work if you have 9903 in current period.


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Hi Jimson,

WT6415 Union due flat CPQMC is keyed in IT0014.

Yes WT9903 have working hours. Refund can be triggered by retro.

Thank you

Active Contributor
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Can you paste the screenshots of PCR ZCC9 for PP22 along with IT table .

0 Kudos

Hi Jimson,

Thank you for the response.

Please find the below Payment model "0053" for the year 2022 and mapped to WT6415 in IT0014.

The client requirement is below

Worked 8 hours in PP01 (Pay period) therefore should be union deduction taken only in PP05. Same should be applicable till 52 Pay period.

E.g. If the Employee have working hours in any one of the pay period from PP01 to PP05, WT6415 deduction should happen in PP05 ( even though there is no working hours in PP05) .

Currently WT6415 deduction happen only when the working hours is available in PP05 (deduction period) then it is working fine.

Thank you

Active Contributor
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Hi Lakshman,

How do you trigger union dues deduction WT6415 ? is it via infotype 0057 ?

Does WT9903 hold the monthly working hours? Variable &6415 seems to be having some amount. Can you explain how the variable is formed?

Refund can be triggered due to retro, say if few regular hours are removed for previous month system will refund the union deduction. or Say union deduction wage type is removed from infotype retro actively etc.


0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Please help on the above issue..

Thank you