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Transaction OBBS - change ratio between currencies on productive system



recently Lebanon govern change the legal exchange rate between USD and LBP from 1507,5 to 15000. When we try to update new value in OB08 we get message 00089 (this means the system allows exchange minor then 9999). So the solution would be change the ratio between the two currencies in OBBS.

Prblems we are facing:

1) When you enter in this transaction you receive a warning message that you might get inconsistences. What kind of inconsistences and how to avoid them?

2) Our company have 3 currencies. 1st currency is LBP, 2nd currency is USD and 3rd currency is EUR. The problem is that since the change values are beeing recorded wrongly due to the change in exchange rate.

What is the corrrect way to proceed and to updaye values backwords?

Thanks in advance for your help


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Hello Pankaj,

Could you please help me know what will be exchange ratio which needs to be maintained in OBBS?



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You can change the ratio in OBBS considering the date, so there will be no inconsistency. We did the same in our company. Decide the date and move that change to Production system, until you move changes don't post any document on that date.

Remember the system will take all the effects exchange gain and loss in the FX valuation, it will post huge loss.

If you are using the seprate exchnage rate type for FX valuation or any other prupose you need to change the ratio for those as well.