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Table or Derivation Logic for - VF03 : Pricing Condition type wise Condition Quantity details

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Hello Experts,

I need to create a ABAP CDS view to get the details of Pricing Condition type wise Condition Quantity details.

VF03 transaction has Billing Document - Item level consolidated quantity details.

In my scenario, I need to get the Pricing Condition type wise Condition quantity details.

( For each Item , in the conditions tab, there are multiple condition types) please check attachments.

Please let me know the table that has Billing Document - Item - Pricing Condition Type wise Quantity details.


Please let me know the derivation formula for Pricing Condition Quantity details.






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Hi vijay_k1,

There is a standard CDS View which might satisfy your requirement.
Kindly check the "I_BillingDocItemPrcgElmntBasic"m which has Pricing Condition type wise Condition Quantity details.

Hope this helps!!!!

Thanks and Regards,

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Hi All,

I Need to get details of different pricing conditions for the invoices.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Zview_Test1'

@EndUserText.label: 'Invoice Minimum Price'

@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true

@AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED

@Analytics.dataCategory: #FACT

@Analytics.dataExtraction.enabled: true


define view Zcds_Test1 as select from I_BillingDocExtdItemBasic as a

inner join I_BillingDocumentBasic as b

on a.BillingDocument = b.BillingDocument

left outer join I_PricingElement as c

on b.PricingDocument = c.PricingDocument

and a.BillingDocumentItem = c.PricingDocumentItem

and c.ConditionApplication = 'V'

and (c.ConditionClass = 'A' or c.ConditionClass = 'B' or c.ConditionClass = 'X' )


key a.BillingDocument as Bill_Doc,

key a.BillingDocumentItem as Bill_Item,

key c.PricingDocument as Condn_Doc,

key c.PricingProcedureStep as Condn_Step,

key c.PricingProcedureCounter as Condn_Counter,

c.ConditionType as Condn_Type,


when c.PeriodFactorForCndnBasisValue <> 0 then

cast(a.BillingQuantity * fltp_to_dec( c.PeriodFactorForCndnBasisValue as abap.dec(7,5)) as abap.dec(13,3))

else 0

end as Condn_Qty,


where (a.SalesDocumentItemCategory <> 'ZZXT' and a.SalesDocumentItemCategory <> 'YTAE' ) and

c.ConditionRateValue <> 0

and b.BillingDocumentDate > '20190101' ;

The above logic for condn_Qty may not always be correct.



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In my scenario, I need to get the Condition type wise Condition quantity details

What do you mean by this ? From VBRP, you need to pass POSNR, MATNR & FKIMG to get the line item details. Irrespective of quantity, for each line item, you will have some condition types. So to get that, go to VBRK, pass VBELN to get KNUMV value. Next go to KONV, input that KNUMV to get the respective condition values. If you are in S/4 Hana, then, instead of KONV, check in PRCD_ELEMENTS table