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T006-Decan change after users have used the TO unit of measure

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Currently in our system for TO (tonnes) it has T006-Andec as 3 and T006-Decan as 0 and it issues the users a warning message "Order quantity violates rounding rule" if they type in decimals in the purchase order quantity. We have been asked to change T006-Decan to a 3 and do away with the warning message. What happens if you change T006-Decan from 0 to 3 after users have already used the unit of measure (TO) in the R/3 SAP_APPL 470 system on materials, purchase orders, sales documents, receipts, etc...? I don't want to impact our users in production since I do not where this unit of measure has been used. Any advice is welcomed. Thank you.

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Former Member
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If you are changing the decimal places in T006 - DECAN , the number which was 1000 would show as 1,000... so previously it was 1000 tonnes now it will show as 1 tonne.... such things happen....Check with SAP before doing changes to the Standard UOM's...

I am not able to find the correct SAP note for this.... but its there hope you get it

Thanks & Regards


Active Participant
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sorry to intrude into this affair but I found this articel and had to reply to it. there is no problem when changing the number f decimals for a Unit of Measurement. 1000 tonns will remain 1000 tonns, they will just be displayed as 1,000.000

