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Succession Planning standard evaluation path not working

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When using HRTMC_PPOS in Staffing & Succession mode, i see an accurate structure with all my org units & positions.

When i select chief of org position & switch to 'Position Hierarchy (indirect)' the structure is missing a bunch of positions becaue they are vacant. The evaluation path used by this t-code view is IN_REP_T: Indirect Reporting Structure (Top Down).

This is incorrect. Has anyone had an issue with this standard eval path & how did you fix it?


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Hi Nick,

This is correct functionality. Do you use S A 002 S relationships in your system? IN_REP_T uses S A 742 S relationships instead, which derives the S-S relationships using organizational assignment. If you want to use S-S then you should set this in the IMG under Talent Management and Talent Development (activity Specify Type of Reporting for Determining the Manager).

It's worth noting that there are issues with the classes that derive the S-S for the 742 relationship. Check SAP Notes 1401647 and 1412195. Ignore that they are specific for Nakisa, since Nakisa shares the same evaluation paths.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Thanks Luke. Yes, the organisation does use the A 002 relationship and the config switch DIRECT_002 is set.

Further troubleshooting has revealed that it is only vacant CHIEF positions that do not appear in the IN_REP_T eval path. My regular positions all show fine.

I will read the SAP notes you mentioned & see if those methods/classes are skipping A 012 positions for some reason.


Active Contributor
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Hi Nick,

Did you check those SAP Notes? I also noticed these 2 notes because the 2nd got re-released today and might be interesting to you for this issue:

1462423 - No Manager retrieved for vacant lead position

1618840 - Lower-level positions and talents are missing

Let us know if they solve the issue for you.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi - i did check those notes. The problem was originally spotted in Nakisa 4.0 in the 'My Positions' view and we tracked it back to the eval path mentioned above and the the relevant method. Its a problem with the B 742 relationship and class CL_HRTMC_EXT_RELATION_A742.

SAP have released note 1855631 hot off the press - so hot in fact, its still in German!



Active Contributor
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Thanks for posting the answer - I'll look out for the translation!

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