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please suggest some methods how to do the follwing scenario .Here we are issuing Material A to produce material X

which is having 5 operations ,Material A undergoes 2 Operations 3rd Operation we are sending to Subcontracting and taking the same to 4 th operation for subsquent processing Points will be rewarded.



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Hii Prakash!!


1) Material A, has declared for subcontracting in J1ID.

2) Material A, has valid work center and routing.

3) Material A, should have Special Proc Key 30 in MRP-2 view.

4) For control key PP02, which you have maintained in OPJ8 , external processing allowed.


1) In routing, you need to use PP02 in operation 30 (sub-contracting operation).

2) The moment, operation 30 will trigger, system will create purchase requisition, for the same.

3) That material you can transfer to your subcontracting vendor by ME2O or you can post transfer posting.

4) In transfer posting you need to mention as a reference of Subcontracting PO, which you have already converted from SubPR.

5) In that transfer posting, system will automaticaly generate 541Mtyp.

6) You need to create SubCon Challan (J1IF01), for the material which you are sending outside of your plant.

7) You need to mention that material doc number in creating challan.

😎 The same challan will be reconcilled after receipt of the material thru simple MIGO process.

9) Your challan should get reconcilled by J1IFQ. It will remove the stock from supplier end from your system.

10) Now the material will move to operation 40.

Thanks in advance, for any clarification come back again.



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Hi Prakash Bakthavachalam,

You are producing material X for that you create routing in that 3Rd Operation is for sub contracting where you give control key PP02 and also there you hvae to mentioning external procurement data for that you just double click on that operation number and you will reach on operation details screen there you find this field there you want to fill data like

1.Purchasing info rec.

2.Purchasing group


4.Plnd delivery tim

5.Price unit

6.Net price

7.Purch. organization

and after this when MRP run take place for this operation automatically Subcontracting PR is generated.

Hope this will help you ,and reward point.


Rajesh Tayade

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You can map the scenario as follows:

Create a BOM of assy. A with component Y and create BOM of Y with component X.

Now,when first two operations are completed X produced. you send X FOR 3rd operation and receive back Y.Then ,you process 4 n 5th operation,consume Y and produce A.If you map the process this way,you get tracking of intermediate components n other info.

Kindly Reward points,if found useful.

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I Couldnt Get the BOM Structure.

Shall i take this way of BOM Structure

BOM for X contains Component Y

BOM for Y contains Component A

Please explain me in this way of above BOM structure i will be able to understand the process easily.Expecting thr reply



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Hi Prakash Bakthavachalam,

BOM Structure

BOM for X contains Component Y

BOM for Y contains Component A

it is wright but only one thing is that you send 'Y' for subcontracting so this material you assign in routing for that subcontracting operation and component 'A' is received after subcontracting operation and go consume in X Production order.

Hope this will help you,


Rajesh Tayade

Former Member
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Please give me clear solution i am bit confused points will rewarded.

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What is your confusing point?

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Hi Prakash,

Letus clear some Points, i hope you are doing operational sub contracting & ur doing one operation at suncon end forwhich ur sending a material ( completed at 20th OP) & receive the same after some process has done on it. If not please explain.

Since u have already done the goods issue for that order, reverse it, assign the Component (A) to 30th operation.

Now send the material to vendor, and receive through PO & do the confirmation. Cost of teh component will added while make GR for Purchase order (mvt type 943).

Only thing u have to create info record with material reference (without any material ) & subcontract category.

Please try and comeback



Edited by: Pradeep Kumar on Feb 11, 2008 2:58 PM

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Dear Pradeep Kumar,

I have a doubt Regarding this scenario, While converting PR to PO it gives error . I asked MM consultant ,He said PO creation is possible only with reference to material , would you please explain me in detail

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What is the error msg you are getting from the system?


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Dear Sudaresan,

Mantain th info record with Material Group reference ( without refernce to any material) with subcontract cotegory, and the assign the info record number at external processing tab at operation.

Now convert the PR-> PO with out any Material reference (system will copy the Material group reference from info record) at me58.

what error message u are getting



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Error is *Not possible to determine any component*

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What type of Item category you have for that subcon material, or you can suggest about the type of Purchase Order.


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What u need is operational subcontracting Process.

1.Assign the External opeartion control key for 30 the opeartion of X & assign the inforecord number which has created for X at external processing tab at routing.

2.After confirming first two operations, goto CO02 and check with PR number would ahve created for 30 th operations.

3.Convert teh PR to PO at ME58.

4. Send the material A to vendor Me20 (MVt type 541)and receive the material from vendor (MIGO mvt 101) & make the GR for Pur chase order.

5. Now the external opeartion has been delivered and do the confirmation for 30 th opreation & do the confirmation for rest of them



Former Member
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Hi Pradeep,

I already issued the Material A to Prod Order of X

now how i can send the material A to subcon,because the production order already consumed the required Material A.

Please suggest me .

