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Subcontracting requirements does not consider plant's inventory

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I am writing this to seek for advices for my current scenario. I have a material with below condition:

1. Parent material A consists of component B

2. Material A I have maintained a valid purchasing info record with Auto Sourcing checked, and create a valid BOM that contains component B, as well as a valid production version

3. For component B, I have maintained the subcontracting MRP area (type 03) in the material master. In the MRP area, I maintained the special procurement type as '30'

Now that for component B, there is an inventory, says 1500 units in the storage location. And because of the POs of material A, there is a subcontracting requirement (MRP element 'SubReq') of component B, says 2000 unit shown in MD04. 

When MRP has executed, it proposed a PR with 2000 units to fulfill the SubReq. It does not consider the stock in the inventory.

So, I would like to understand, will there be a way to allow MRP to consider the inventory? Any advice is much appreciated

Thank you

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would you share screen shots of MD04 of the component B in plant and MRP areas?
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Master Data MRP Area

MRP area called SUB_001 available to plan separately associated components. SAP suggested maintaining the MRP area parameters to all components which are planned under the MRP area in MRP 1 view (Material R-100-101).



Click on MRP areas and maintain the MRP parameters as like plant parameters.



It is important to maintain MRP 2 special procurement to 45 - Stock transfer from plant to MRP area.



Make a note that you need to adopt data while entering MRP area parameters and save material.

Subcontracting Process Execution


Demand Flow

Forecast updated for subcontracting header material called F-100-101.




MRP Live

After forecast updated runs MRP live.



Based on MRP live log total of 4 materials planned 1 material with classic MRP and another 3 with MRP on HANA.

Analyzing MRP results

After MRP run completed purchase requisitions created for header article based on planning horizon.



Now go to component R-100-101 and analyze the result at a plant level and MRP area level.

Plant level - Stock transfer reservations from the plant to the provision stock of the subcontractor.



MRP area level - Procure the components that you provide to a subcontractor for the production of an assembly, by transferring stock from a plant to the MRP area of the subcontractor.


Conclusion: in the Vendor MRP Area, you need to maintain special procurement key as 45 for it to raise a TR, and create a reservation at the plant level for your stock consumption.