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Stock transfer from depot to another depot

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Sir,

in my current organization, we have some manufacturing plant, some central ware houses and few C&F, we have recently did register few CWH and C&F as excisable depot. We must manufacture the material and sends them to our CWH (now depot) and then e CWH to C&F (small depots) from here we sell the goods. when i was testing the STO, i faced an erroe which i am unable to solve.

Error is when i do the STO from manufacturing plant to CWH (big depot) everything is fine, i could post the excise invoice in J1IG but when i did sto from CWH(DEPOT) to C&F(DEPOT), i am getting a warning that excise invoice doesn't exist is supplying plant, after entering migo and selecting create RG23D register system is not picking excise tax values automatically, then i did J1IJ and manually enter the excise invoice created in J1ig and manually entered the duties of all line item RG23D is updated.

so is there any process that system could pickup the duties automatically, the end users won't be able to do the whole process manually.

Please suggest a solution

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Accepted Solutions (1)

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Check whether you need to carry out coding corrections as recommended in OSS note 1028677

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