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SQL to Hana query

0 Kudos


I have an SQL query for a store procedure which I would like to convert to Hana. I have tried the Converter Tool from B1UP but it is failing to convert and this query is quite complex.

Running B1 v10 for SAP Hana FP2208.

Many thanks in advanced.


-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

@BPFrom nvarchar(20) = '',

@BPTo nvarchar(20) = '',

@AgeingDate datetime,

@Property54 nvarchar(3) = 'Y'





--t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode,

--(case Isnull(t0.fathercard, '') WHEN '' THEN t0.cardcode else t0.fathercard END),

'INV' 'Type', t0.DocNum, t0.docdate, t0.DocDueDate, (t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum) 'Outstanding', (t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFC) 'OutstandingFC',

datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) AS AgedDays,

IsNull((select t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) < 0),0) 'NotCurrent',

IsNull((select t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 0),0) 'Current',

IsNull((select t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 1),0) '31-60',

IsNull((select t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 2),0) '61-90',

IsNull((select t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) >= 3),0) '90+',

IsNull((select t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFC from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) < 0),0) 'NotCurrentFC',

IsNull((select t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFC from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 0),0) 'CurrentFC',

IsNull((select t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFC from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 1),0) '31-60FC',

IsNull((select t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFC from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 2),0) '61-90FC',

IsNull((select t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFC from OINV t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) >= 3),0) '90+FC',

isnull(t0.NumAtCard, '') 'YourReference', 'Inv ' + cast(t0.DocNum as nvarchar(50)) 'OurReference',

t1.cardcode, t1.CardName, t3.Address, t3.Street, t3.Block, t3.City, t3.County,, t3.ZipCode,

t2.PymntGroup, t4.SlpName, t4.SlpCode, t4.U_Mobile, t1.Currency, (CASE t1.QryGroup54 WHEN 'Y' THEN '' else IsNull(t1.E_Mail,'') end) 'BPEmail',


from OINV t0 inner join OCRD t1 --on t1.CardCode = isnull(t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode)

--ON t1.CardCode = (case Isnull(t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode) WHEN '' THEN t0.cardcode else t0.fathercard END)

ON t1.CardCode = (case Isnull(t0.fathercard, '') WHEN '' THEN t0.cardcode else t0.fathercard END)

inner join OCTG t2 on t2.GroupNum = t1.GroupNum

inner join CRD1 t3 on (t3.CardCode = t1.CardCode and t3.Address = t1.BillToDef and t3.AdresType = 'B')

inner join OSLP t4 on t4.SlpCode = t1.SlpCode


t0.DocStatus = 'O'



--AND (isnull(t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode) >= @BPFrom AND isnull(t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode) <= @BPTo)

AND (case Isnull(t0.fathercard, '') WHEN '' THEN t0.cardcode else t0.fathercard END) >= @BPFrom

AND (case Isnull(t0.fathercard, '') WHEN '' THEN t0.cardcode else t0.fathercard END) <= @BPto


t0.DocDate <= @AgeingDate

AND t1.QryGroup54 <> 'Y' and t1.QryGroup55 <> 'N'

--and t1.QryGroup54 = @Property54

--and t0.DocNum not in ('321483','335544')


by t0.DocNum, t0.docdate, t0.DocDueDate, t1.cardcode, t1.CardName, t3.Address, t3.Street,

t3.Block, t3.City, t3.County,, t3.ZipCode,

t2.PymntGroup, t4.SlpName, t4.SlpCode, t0.DocTotal, t0.DocTotalFC, t0.PaidSum, t0.PaidSumFC,

t0.NumAtCard, t4.U_Mobile,

t1.Currency, t1.E_Mail,

t1.Balance, t1.QryGroup54

--,t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode

union all


'Crn', t0.DocNum, t0.docdate, t0.DocDueDate, (t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum) * -1, (t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFC) * -1,

datediff(month, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) AS AgedDays,

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) < 0),0),

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 0),0),

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate)= 1),0),

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 2),0),

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotal - t0.PaidSum) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) >= 3),0),

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) < 0),0),

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 0),0),

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate)= 1),0),

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 2),0),

IsNull((select (t0.DocTotalFC - t0.PaidSumFc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) >= 3),0),

t0.NumAtCard, 'Crn ' + cast(t0.DocNum as nvarchar(50)),

t1.cardcode, t1.CardName, t3.Address, t3.Street, t3.Block, t3.City, t3.County,, t3.ZipCode,

t2.PymntGroup, t4.SlpName, t4.SlpCode, t4.U_Mobile, t1.Currency, (CASE t1.QryGroup54 WHEN 'Y' THEN '' else IsNull(t1.E_Mail,'') end) 'BPEmail',



ORIN t0 inner join OCRD t1 --on t1.CardCode = isnull(t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode)

--ON t1.CardCode = (case Isnull(t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode) WHEN '' THEN t0.cardcode else t0.fathercard END)

ON t1.CardCode = (case Isnull(t0.fathercard, '') WHEN '' THEN t0.cardcode else t0.fathercard END)

inner join OCTG t2 on t2.GroupNum = t1.GroupNum

inner join CRD1 t3 on (t3.CardCode = t1.CardCode and t3.Address = t1.BillToDef and t3.AdresType = 'B')

inner join OSLP t4 on t4.SlpCode = t1.SlpCode


t0.DocStatus = 'O'



--AND (isnull(t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode) >= @BPFrom AND isnull(t0.fathercard, t0.cardcode) <= @BPTo)

AND (case Isnull(t0.fathercard, '') WHEN '' THEN t0.cardcode else t0.fathercard END) >= @BPFrom

AND (case Isnull(t0.fathercard, '') WHEN '' THEN t0.cardcode else t0.fathercard END) <= @BPto

--and t1.QryGroup54 = @Property54

--and t0.DocNum in ('620195','622827','824417')

AND t0.DocDate <= @AgeingDate

AND t1.QryGroup54 <> 'Y' and t1.QryGroup55 <> 'N'


by t0.DocNum, t0.docdate, t0.DocDueDate, t1.cardcode, t1.CardName, t3.Address, t3.Street,

t3.Block, t3.City, t3.County,, t3.ZipCode,

t2.PymntGroup, t4.SlpName, t4.SlpCode, t0.DocTotal, t0.DocTotalfc, t0.PaidSum, t0.PaidSumFc,

t0.NumAtCard, t4.U_Mobile, t1.Currency, t1.E_Mail,

t1.Balance, t1.QryGroup54

union all


'UAR', t0.DocNum, t0.docdate, t0.DocDueDate, t0.OpenBal * -1, t0.OpenBal * -1,

datediff(month, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) AS AgedDays,

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBal) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) < 0),0),

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBal) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 0),0),

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBal) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate)= 1),0),

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBal) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 2),0),

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBal) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) >= 3),0),

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBalfc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) < 0),0),

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBalfc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 0),0),

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBalfc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate)= 1),0),

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBalfc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) = 2),0),

IsNull((select (t0.OpenBalfc) * -1 from ORIN t9 where t9.DocNum = t0.docnum and datediff(MONTH, t0.docdate, @AgeingDate) >= 3),0),

t0.CounterRef, 'Unallocated Receipt ',

t1.cardcode, t1.CardName, t3.Address, t3.Street, t3.Block, t3.City, t3.County,, t3.ZipCode,

t2.PymntGroup, t4.SlpName, t4.SlpCode, t4.U_Mobile, t1.Currency, (CASE t1.QryGroup54 WHEN 'Y' THEN '' else IsNull(t1.E_Mail,'') end) 'BPEmail',


from ORCT t0 inner join OCRD t1 on t1.CardCode = t0.CardCode

inner join OCTG t2 on t2.GroupNum = t1.GroupNum

inner join CRD1 t3 on (t3.CardCode = t1.CardCode and t3.Address = t1.BillToDef and t3.AdresType = 'B')

inner join OSLP t4 on t4.SlpCode = t1.SlpCode


t0.OpenBal > 0




(t1.CardCode >= @BPFrom AND t1.CardCode <= @BPTo)

AND t0.DocDate <= @AgeingDate

AND t1.QryGroup54 <> 'Y' and t1.QryGroup55 <> 'N'

--and t1.QryGroup54 = @Property54

--and t0.DocNum in ('620195','622827','824417')

union all


'ADJ' 'Type', t0.TransId, t0.refdate, t0.DueDate, (t0.BalDueDeb - t0.BalDueCred) 'Outstanding', (t0.BalFcDeb - t0.BalFcCred),

datediff(month, t0.refdate, @AgeingDate) AS AgedDays,

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalDueDeb) - SUM(t9.BalDueCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate) < 0),0) 'NotCurrent',

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalDueDeb) - SUM(t9.BalDueCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate) =0),0) 'Current',

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalDueDeb) - SUM(t9.BalDueCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate)= 1),0) '31-60',

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalDueDeb) - SUM(t9.BalDueCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate) = 2),0) '61-90',

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalDueDeb) - SUM(t9.BalDueCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate) >= 3),0) '90+',

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalFcDeb) - SUM(t9.BalFcCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate) < 0),0) 'NotCurrent',

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalFcDeb) - SUM(t9.BalFcCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate) = 0),0) 'Current',

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalFcDeb) - SUM(t9.BalFcCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate)= 1),0) '31-60',

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalFcDeb) - SUM(t9.BalFcCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate) = 2),0) '61-90',

IsNull((select sum(t9.BalFcDeb) - SUM(t9.BalFcCred) from JDT1 t9 where t9.TransId = t0.TransId AND t9.Line_ID = t0.Line_ID and datediff(MONTH, t0.RefDate, @AgeingDate) >= 3),0) '90+',

'' as 'YourReference', 'JE ' + cast(t0.TransId as nvarchar(50)) 'OurReference',

t1.cardcode, t1.CardName, t3.Address, t3.Street, t3.Block, t3.City, t3.County,, t3.ZipCode,

t2.PymntGroup, t4.SlpName, t4.SlpCode, t4.U_Mobile, t1.Currency, (CASE t1.QryGroup54 WHEN 'Y' THEN '' else IsNull(t1.E_Mail,'') end) 'BPEmail',


from JDT1 t0 inner join OCRD t1 on t1.CardCode = t0.ShortName

inner join OCTG t2 on t2.GroupNum = t1.GroupNum

inner join CRD1 t3 on (t3.CardCode = t1.CardCode and t3.Address = t1.BillToDef and t3.AdresType = 'B')

inner join OSLP t4 on t4.SlpCode = t1.SlpCode


--t0.DocStatus = 'O' AND

(t0.ShortName >= @BPFrom AND t0.ShortName <= @BPTo)



--and t1.QryGroup54 = @Property54

AND (t0.BalDueDeb - t0.BalDueCred <> 0)

AND t0.TransType = 30

--and t0.TransId in ('620195','622827','824417')

AND t0.RefDate <= @AgeingDate

AND t1.QryGroup54 <> 'Y' and t1.QryGroup55 <> 'N'


by t0.TransId, t0.RefDate, t0.DueDate, t1.cardcode, t1.CardName, t3.Address, t3.Street,

t3.Block, t3.City, t3.County,, t3.ZipCode,

t2.PymntGroup, t4.SlpName, t4.SlpCode,

t0.BalDueDeb, t0.BalDueCred, t0.BalFcDeb, t0.BalFcCred, t4.U_Mobile, t1.Currency, t1.E_Mail,


t1.Balance, t1.QryGroup54

ORDER BY t0.docdate


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0 Kudos

Hello experts, can someone assist with this?