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Special Gl indicator

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Hello Experts,

While passing the Downpayment in f-47 getting the error Special GL indicatir C is not Defined for down payments.

Special G/L indicator C is not defined for down payments

Message no. F5053


The specified special G/L indicator is not classified as "down payment" or not listed in the list of the target special G/L indicators for indicator "F".

System Response

The entry is not accepted.

In fbkp for Special GL indicator F can I assign the target Special GL indiactor as C.It will solve but is it correct if I do like that.where does it affect.


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  • Is there a defined Sp GL for Down payments exsiting in FBKP?

  • If yes this Sp GL should be selected in F-47

  • What is the reason for entering Sp GL "C" in F-47? If there is no Sp GL defined for Down Payments you will need to decide what you want to use and define in FBKP.

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Hello Nadini,

*yes there is special Gl F.

*but they want to use C.

*I have Defined in FBKP

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If there is special Gl F for down payments why they want to use C.

Any specific reason for that,

And did you created Spl GL C in FBKP, if yes for which purpose you created that

If that is also for down payments you can use that other wise you cann't use that for down payments


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Hello Reddy,

Thanks for the reply.

I have created in FBKP and it is also for downpayment.But also getting the error

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Hello Pavi,

If you have already define Sp GL C, you should not get the error message. Check and ensure that you have defined for

- Account type "K" vendors (for F-47)

- The recon account assigned to the particulr vendor you are trying to enter is covered in the FBKP settting

- Correct Sp GL Type is selected. I.e. Down Payment/Down Payment Reuest

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Just check whether you created that that SPL GL C for customer down payment/vendor down payment

and which account you had given in the F-47


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When you assign the target special gl indicator, down payment request will be posted with target special gl indicator. Users will be selected to enter the "C" as downpayment but the system will take the target special gl indicator for down payment request. In your case, C will be for downpayment and F will be for downpayment request provided the target special gl is maintained.

Hope this clarifies.



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Check whether downpayment box is ticked in Special GL indicator.


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