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when i execute the transaction SM35 i have this message :"no batch input data for screen SAPMF05A 0710 "

details of the message :


<b>No batch input data for screen SAPMF05A 0710

Message no. 00344


The transaction sent a screen that was not expected in the batch input

session and which therefore could not be supplied with data.

Possible reasons:

1. The batch input session was created incorrectly. The sequence of

screens was recordly incorrectly.

2. The transaction behaves differently in background processing in a

batch work process than when running in dialog (SY-BATCH is queried and

changes the screen sequence).

3. The transaction has undergone user-specific Customizing and therefore

certain screens may be skipped or processed differently, according to

the current user. If the person who created a batch input session is not

the same as the person now processing it, this problem may occur


System response



For 1: Either re-create the session or process it in expert mode.

Correct the batch input program.

For 2. It is very difficult to analyze this problem, particularly in the

case that the screen sequence or the display-only options of fields

differ according to whether the transaction is being processed in the

background or as an online dialog. It could also be that this kind of

transaction cannot run with batch input.

For 3: Have the creator of the session process it. If no error occurs

now, then this is a program with user-specific Customizing. </b> </b>

i don't understand the message and what to do ?

please explain me this message and how to correct

i hope your help



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What is happening is described in the message. You are trying to enter some values in some fields during a batch process, but the screen used in background is not having the field to which you are trying to pass a value.

For e.g. If you are executing a batch job to create FI postings, and the cost center field is suppressed, then the system will give this message if the program is trying to update the cost center field.

Hope you got it.

