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set production order fields to 'non-modifiable'

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Hi All,

I have a requirement to set production order fields as non-modifiable when the order status is CNF (Final Confirmation), PCNF (Partially Confirmation) or TECO (Technically Complete).

Also, goods movement should not be possible against orders with TECO status.

If both TECO and confirmation are revoked, the order fields should be modifiable via transaction CO02.

Please let me know how to achieve this using a Status Profile and User Statuses (transactions OPJH, BS02).


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1. Update the TECO (technically complete) status to not modify the production order data.

2. After updating the TECO system allow posting goods issues against production order and it is a standard behavior. In this case, you can follow any one method.

First one is system staus via BS22 transaction - I0045 (TECO). Make sure this change will impact at a client level.

The second option is user exit CONFPP01 implementation with ABAPer help.

Best Regards,
