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Semantic object navigation: Manage KPIs and Reports

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Hello SAP sages,

This is an issue I've been struggling with for quite some time for multiple customers.

When creating a report (and subsequent Fiori tile) using the 'Manage KPIs and Reports' app, I want to have the ability to navigate from my report to another app or transaction. Cross App Navigation.

Below, for example, I have taken a standard Query from SAP (C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry) and made a report + KPI tile on top of this. In the app, to navigate to VA03 for sales order 60438. (This is just one example, I have many custom CDS views for which I want to be able to navigate to many different apps/transactions. It should also be possible to select multiple navigation targets here.)

I have selected the following Semantic object/action in my report:

In the tile:

This should be enough, no? Or is it necessary to create another target mapping in the launchpad designer?

This is what is created automatically in LPD in this case:

Added this target mapping in the same catalog but seems pointless:

Documentation from SAP in regard to configuring semantic object/action for this particular app is very lacking...

I am aware there are other solutions like this or this. But I want to use this Fiori app in particular in combination with Eclipse for the CDS, without having to rely on other software for cross app navigation.

If anybody could point me in the right direction, that would be great.

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0 Kudos

Hey Hugo. Did you find a solution?