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Save order and remain in the same window

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I am trying to bypass the error i am receiving after i save an OR order. My accomplishment is to be able to save any VA02 or VA01 order and still remain on the same screen.

What are the steps to follow?

Thank you in advance,

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Active Contributor

Hi Concetta - Thank you for your question

I don't think your question relates to the BusinessObjects BI Platform so I updated your tags.

What is the error message you are trying to bypass? Perhaps share a screen shot?

0 Kudos

Hello Tammy,

Thank you for the answer, of course i am able to attach this.

After i hit the save button i receive the below error


After i hit the X i am directed again to the VA01 or VA02 based on where you started creating the order.

My achivment is to either remain on the order after hitting the X or even remove this error and still remain in the order.

Thank you in advance,


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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hello Veselina,

Thank you very much for the swift reply. I will submit a ticket with my IT dept. to investigate this.

Have a great day,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I suspect that this popup is specific to your system and that the logic for its behavior was developed by your local SAP team.

This means that users from SAP Community cannot help you change o bypass it, you will need to approach your local support team by submitting a ticket and request a change in the functionality.