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SAP TREX - Recreating connectors

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After a system copy, I had to set up again TREX.  As always, I followed the fantastic step by step written by Luke Marson:

After some days, users started getting problem on search, so I decided to re-create search connectors. Usually it works, but deleting them through ESH_COCKPIT didn't work fine, so I decided to run ESH_ADM_INDEX_ALL_SC program to delete them.

The connectors were deleted, but when creating the connectors, I get the following error for all connectors:


15.12.2015 14:41:15 TREX call terminated with TREX engine error. Error code: 2043

15.12.2015 14:41:15 Error message: an index with the same name was not completely deleted, and trying to delete these old files failed.;index=esh:ceq610~ceq610~hrtmc_accompl_type~hrtmc_


Has someone any tip about it? I have tried many ESH_* programs, but without success.


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Hi Bruno,

the error message means , that the mentioned index wasn't deleted correctly on the TREX side before you tried to recreate the connectors from the Cockpit Page. There are a lot of possible reasons for this issue  , like .f.e. the mismatch in the index information between the application and TREX,
inconsistencies in the TREX , locking of the data on the storage by the 3rd party tools , problems with the disk e.t.c.
Could you please do the following:
1) delete all connectors from the cockpit page
2) Start python TREXAdminTool -> Index Landscape -> check if there are any indexes beginning with
esh:ceq610 and delete all of them
3) run the consistency check on the same tab in TREXAdminTool from action menu
4) check if there are any indexes still exist on the disk  -> delete if necessary and restart TREXIndexServer

Best regards,

0 Kudos

Hi Mikhail,

It has worked!!

Thank you so much!!

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