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SAP B1 9.2 Trying to Auto Update Closed PO Rows and Cause Error when Adding New Items

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Dear All Experts,

I have facing a trouble with SAP Business One version 9.2 as the company is applying non-perpetual inventory method. There will be no concern of GL account to being empty when procurement department raise the PO. There is a general item code which used to cater special needs and does not fall into any advanced account determination rules. After the PO is partially received, there is an error occurred when procurement staff trying to revise the PO by adding additional items. The system will try to update all empty GL account field including the closed rows (item received) following the account determination rules and cause error.

Account department does not want to apply any default account for the general item code in order to avoid mistake when capturing supplier invoice. Is there any way to stop the system from auto updating GL account field of other rows when adding new items?

Thank you in advance if anyone is able to advice on this.

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For closed rows you can not do anything but for open rows you can change G/L codes in transaction itself.