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SAF-T Poland / JPK / XML



as there is no possibility to use the old threads anymore, I would like to create a new, generic thread for the SAF-T Poland topic, including Starter Solution and XML creation and or SAF-T Addon.

The old threads could be found at:

SAF-T PL (Poland) Starter Solution - Custom XML creation JPK_VAT

Poland SAF-T VAT reporting due in July 2016

Continuing the idea of creationg custom XML creation programm, I would like to know how you created customer / supplier adress for example. Did you select KNA1/LFA1 and build adress using concatenate? Or did you use any FM?

Moreover it would be interessting to know which fields of FIPLD_VAT_I you used for values in XML file for official tax codes....

When I have my approach finished for JPK_VAT I will possibly write a blog about here...

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Hi Mark

I have called ADDR_GET and concatenated STRAS and ORT01 for the address - its surely not critical; the VAT registration number is key here.

I think the VAT codes are K_10, K_11 etc matching the outbound XML



Former Member
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Hi Mark,

thanks for reply - it helps!

Do you have a ready solution?

Best regards. Marco

Former Member
0 Kudos


we have a similar Problem.

We use the Starter Solution for VAT from 01.01.2017.

From the 3 tables (FIPLD_VAT_H / FIPLD_VAT_I / FIPLD_VAT_SUM) we make one z table. This table we export to csv. With ( we translate to XML, check and transfer.

Can you tell me, what is: typZakupu / typSprzedazy / CelZlozenia



0 Kudos

Hi Marco,

as far as I know these fields should have the following meaning.

data_zakupu "Invoice Date / Document date

data_sprzedazy "Sales date, if exists and if differs from invoice issue date. Otherwise - empty field

cel_zlozenia = '1'. "Defines whether it is submission or correction of the document (1 = first hand in)

cel_zlozenia = '2'. "Defines whether it is submission or correction of the document (2 = correction)

Hope this helps. Moreover I know from SAP support that they will adopt note 2312104 to the new version (2) of JPK.

Best regards, Mark

0 Kudos

Thx for your answer. I almost finished my first prototype of my XML Creation report.

One issue which came up during development was the question if it is right to use fields customer_id and supplier_id to decide, to which part of the XML this document belongs.

I used the following logic:

CUSTOMER_ID filled -> document belongs to sales part (K_10 to K_38) (<SprzedazWiersz typ="G">)

SUPPLIER_ID filled -> document belongs to purchase part (K_42 to K_48) (<ZakupWiersz typ="G">)

Did you do it the same way? After making this decision I saw that there are a few documents in our system, where header record contains supplier_id but I have records on position level for:

K_23 Net Amount - Intacomunity purchase of goods
K_24 Output Tax Amount - Intracommunity purchase of goods
K_44 Net Amount - The purchase Other goods & services
K_45 Input Tax Amount - The purchase Other goods & services

Which made be believe that there might be some mistakes in the mapping for tax codes which we made... What do you think?