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S/4 Public Cloud - Billing Doc. Output - Prevent address country translation

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Is there a way to prevent or influence the translation of the country field in the recipient address of the billing document form in the case where the sending and receiving countries are different?

For example, I have an invoice with a German company code and the sold-to is in the UK. Currently the country in the recipient address is the German translation of United Kingdom but I would like for this to be displayed in English.

Any ideas?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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As you're already aware, if the sender country and the receiver country differ, the system will always print the address in the language of the sending country since the delivering postal service needs to be able to read the country name.

However, extensibility allows the modification of the address on the billing document output.

In the Custom Logic app:

  • If you want to fill a header-level field, create a new enhancement implementation using the business context Sales: Billing Document and choose a header-level BAdI, for example, Billing Standard Output Header Adaption.

  • If you want to fill an item-level field, create a new enhancement implementation using the business context Sales: Billing Document Item and choose an item-level BAdI, for example, Billing Standard Output Item Adaption.

You can then implement custom logic.

The following class, containing the method for returning the address data, can be used in Cloud BAdIs (Custom Logic) for print:

cl_address_format=>get_instance( )->printform_postal_addr(

*        iv_address_type              = '1'
        iv_address_number            = address_number
*        iv_person_number             =
        iv_language_of_country_field = language
*        iv_number_of_lines           = 99
*        iv_sender_country            = space
        ev_formatted_to_one_line     = DATA(one_line)
        et_formatted_all_lines       = DATA(all_lines)

Prior to that,  'address_number' must be filled with the corresponding number and the 'language' with the language in which the country name shall be printed.
All lines should then contain the formatted address.

SAP Help - Business Address Services
SAP Help - How to Extend a Custom Form Template for Billing Output with Custom Fields
2679030 - Extensibility for Billing Document Printout - SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Best Regards,


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