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Running out of SNRO No. (NRIV-NRRANGENR)

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In the company I work for, for each Sales Organizations, the management asked for specific numbering which consists of 3 first digits to identify the companies.


111 --> Company A

112 --> Company B

Combined with different number ranges for multiple document type, each company needs like dozens different number ranges.


Company A:

1111000000 --> Sales Order

1112000000 --> Delivery Order

1113000000 --> Billing

1114000000 --> Return Order

In SNRO for RV_BELEG Object, it already has 887 entries. We even have to use symbols to maintain the No. part (NRRANGENR) as shown in the pic. Eventually, we will run out of NRRANGENR since more Sales Organizations are being created due to business expansion. We're still using R/3 release 4.6C version.

Is there standard way to avoid this? How do you suggest to solve this issue?

Making custom SNRO Object? How to make every SD transaction to read this custom SNRO Object if we choose to use this solution?

Thank you for your input.


Trisno S.

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I think you still have at least a few hundred unused combinations.

The field NRRANGENR is CHAR2, which means not just the letters, numbers and symbols that you probably see on a standard keyboard. I just tried in my system and it seems that Cyrillic letters are also an option for entering number range numbers.

I am not sure whether Armenian, Japanese, Chinese etc. characters will work in your system; in mine they do, but it is newer than 4.6C.

To be fair, I doubt that separate ranges for sales orders per sales organization is a legal requirement, it seems to be done for user convenience or reporting, which means that it might be negotiated with the client not to have separate ranges for orders and deliveries per sales org.

I don't think that you can use a custom number range object to determine the number range in SD documents. I suppose that you can use such object to populate values in a z-field in the order, delivery or billing document and use it for reporting (you can add some prefix to indicate the sales organization, of course) but this can turn out to be too expensive and the client most likely won't agree...

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You're right, a little bit of math gives me around 338 more combinations for future usage.

I also believe it's for user convenience, and also they keep telling me it's the SOP.

I will ask about custom number range object for SD Documents when I almost ran out of combinations.

Thank you.

Answers (1)

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Have you used all the possible combinations? for example - AA to AZ, BA to BA... ZA to ZZ then using Numbers - A1 to A9, B1 to B9... Z1 to Z9. Further 1A to 1Z, 2A to 2Z.... 9A to 9Z and so on...

I have seen any SAP instance using all the possible combinations in NRIV-NRRANGENR...


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Well, actually I do.

I just re-checked it one more time and found out that some combination isn't used fully. For example, from AA to AZ, only up to AM is used. I just did a little bit of math and found out just by using numbers and alphabets, we can get around 1225 combination for it, which is I can still use 338 more of it.