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Requirement blocked error

Former Member
0 Kudos


when i am trying to upload demand it gives me error as" requirement block". Can any one let me know why this error comes and can we remove them?. We upload the demnad through a z programme.It is interface programme.



Accepted Solutions (1)

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Suman,

since this is Z have to take ABAP help..i dont think we can assist you even with error message number because the class will be 00.

I would like to know where are you uploading this MD61 or in SOP MC87. What is the errro message number and class?

Check the staretegy in MRP4 view and this should match with the requirement types input in MD61.

Let me know after this check.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Thanks all of you .

I will check and will get back to you.

Thanks and regards,

Satyajit kumar

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos


check whether you have maintained correct reqmt type

during PIR Creation.

check the strategy group in material master and the reqmts type in the reqmts parameters .



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You need to analyse the error step by step

1. check if you are able to manually create the material in the md61

2. If yes then go to 5 else continue with 3

3. Check what is the error -

3.A. The error will be due to incorrect or no strategygroup

3.B. It can be due to incorrect material status

4. If so then correct the error and then try to maually create and check it-

5. What is the type of zprogram is it a Bdc -recording or function module.

6. in any of the above case are u trying to do one by one period which means the report is passing single entry for each materil/plant /period combination

7. If yes then it is a timing issue - just add a statement called "wait" in the program which your abaper knows..

8. the timing issue means in the background for one material before the program completes the transaction the next values is populated -which may be erroring out..

If you check all of them and your problem gets solved then just give me the feedback.

If it didnt get solved ..just post the details of the error we will analyse it ...

Thanks and regards
