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regarding Work Schedule Rule

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In Time Mgt. when creating the Work Schedule Rule, how to decide the input for field "Rule for Day Types", Pls explain also the Selection Rule for Day types in the node TM-> Work Sch -> Day types -> Define Selection Rules.

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I am just learning this topic and see this thread still open, so let me try to help.

1-Holiday Class(HC)

In IMG->Time Management->Work Schedules->Define Public Holiday Classes,we assign a value to public holidays like this:

Holiday            Religion     Holiday class
Christmas Day                         1

Here Holiday class value range is: blank-working day; 1-level1 holiday;2-level2 holiday...etc. By assigning a holiday to a holiday class we can classify holidays.

2-Day Types(DT)

In IMG->Time Management->Work Schedules->Day Types->Define Day Types, we define day types like:

Blank	Blank     	Work/paid
1        O/pd	    Off/paid
2        O/upd	    Off/unpaid
3        O/sp	    Off/special day

3-Selection Rules

In IMG->Time Management->Work Schedules->Day Types->Define Selection Rules, we have such settings:

                       Weekday         Sat.        Sun.
with holiday class     b123456789     b123456789    b123456789
Gives day type         _1_1211311     _1_1111111    _1_1111111

Here, b123456789 is HC and 11211311 is day types(I use '_' for blank).

In Weekday part,first column wo got HC=b and DT='_'. That means, in calendar if today is a working day(HC=b) then the employee is paid for working(DT=Blank(Work/Paid)).

In 5th column, we got HC=4 and DT=2. That means, in calendar if today is a level4 holiday then the employee can has a day-off but not paid(DT=2(Off/Unpaid)).

Hope it's helpful

Former Member
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Hi Tomesh

You know what is daytypes

blank - work/paid




above are the daytypes and the selection rules are

if an employee is working on holiday which comes under particular holiday class if he is working on that and if the company is paying for that and holiday comes on weekdays or sataurdays or sundays under that holiday class he is paid the option is 1-time off/paid so put 1 under that particular holiday class. and the same for sunday and saturday




Former Member
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First define the Day Type Rules, based on your need on the WSR, assign your Day type Rule.

Day type Rule:

On Workday Saturday Sunday

HC 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789

Rule .1. 1111111 .1. 1111111 .1. 1111111

This rule explains that, if your current day is Working day that HC 0 or blank, the corresponding Day type is 0 or blank, that means Work/Paid. If employees work, they will pay otherwise won't. Eventhough they are not working in HC 1, that is Ordinary Public Holiday, the employer will Pay, that is Day type 1, Timeoff/paid.

Same for Saturdays and Sundays.

I hope you got the point.

Good Luck


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