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QueryCustomerInvoice - MajorLevelOrdinalNumberValue

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I'd like to understand what the tags MajorLevelOrdinalNumberValue and MinorLevelOrdinalNumberValue mean inside the price component response of the querycustomerinvoice.

I couldn't find this answer anywhere on the webservice's documentation or by searching on the internet.

      <Description languageCode="EN">Total Item Net Value</Description>
        <Amount currencyCode="EUR">0.0</Amount>
      <CalculationBasisBaseName languageCode="EN">Quantity</CalculationBasisBaseName>
      <CalculatedAmount currencyCode="EUR">-90.0</CalculatedAmount>

Can anyone help?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Andrea,

The MajorLevelOrdinalNumberValue represents the step in your Pricing Procedure.

You can find this in the UI as follows:

Go to the Business Configuration work center.
Select the Overview view.
Open the Fine Tuning Activity Configure Price Strategy
Click on the Pricing Procedure hyperlink.
Select the respective pricing procedure e.g. Standard Pricing Procedure
You can see for each Price Component there is a step in your pricing procedure.

In you example the MajorLevelOrdinalNumberValue is 78, so this represents step 078 for Price Component Total Item Net Value

The MinorLevelOrdinalNumberValue represents the sequence in determine the step. 1 is the first one that is determined 2 is the second one that is determined etc.

Best regards,


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