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QM module: audit LOT creation - error appears

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I created one inspection plan (usage 720 - audit) with 4 group counters. Each GrC has its material numbers but the last one has all of them, e.i.

GrC 1 - mat A

GrC 2 - mat B

GrC 3 - mat C

GrC 4 - mat A, B, C.

I wanted to create Insp.LOT for audit but when I wanted to enter results I noticed that there's an CHCR error.

Any idea why it is not work?

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Please share error message or screen shot

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Agnieszka Wrobel,

thank you for the details provided.

In case CHCR is shown in a status check error popup, it means that the lot requires characteristics (System status: I0202 - CHCR - Characterist. must be created), which were not yet assigned to the lot.

I suppose, the task list was not assigned to the lot. It can have plenty of reasons. Some ideas in KBA

2112741 - Inspection plan is not selected when inspection lot is created; Inspection lot status is C...

Have a nice day,



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0 Kudos

This is transaction "create LOT for serial number" and when I click enter, new LOT is created. For this moment I know that the problem is one Insp. Plan with duplicated material numbers in different Group Counters. Also two different IP for one material number is a problem but I can resolve it by QA02 transaction and task list allocation.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Agnieszka Wrobel,

above transaction is not known to me, it might be a custom development. Please review it with your developer colleagues, if the issue occurs using this transaction.

I wish you a nice day,


0 Kudos

I see. Thank you for your tip

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