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QADB on Support project

Former Member
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Dear All,

I am new to SAP, I want to know the initial QADB for support projects.


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Check the following link for questions & answers :



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Shoba,

In Support Project first of all you have to ask and know about the modules that have been implemented and your scope in that.

You have to know the SLA's ( Service Level Agreement's) & SOW ( Scope of work) first and understand the same.

You have to know how the issues are been allocated. I mean you have to know which tool is used to interact with the end user or the help desk for the issue tracking.

And comming to modules , if they have Payroll. then how often the payroll is going to run?

How attandances are calculating?

Is there Positive or Negetive Management Implemented?

Are there any back ground jobs that are being performed for Payroll and Time Evaluation?

Are there any interfaces from SAP R/3 to the legacy system?

These are few basic things which have to be discussed and to start with.

All the best.



Active Contributor
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follow Dileks response later this may help u

Joining Process (PA)

1) How the joining process is carried out in the concerned organization?

2) What are the different types of recruitment i.e. campus recruitment, employee ward, through consultant etc are carried out by the organization?

3) What are the different recruitment instruments i.e. ESS, newspaper, internet, job portals etc used by the company for the purpose of recruitment by the organization?

4) What are the different types of joining i.e. new appointment, on contract, re employment (transfer back from other company ) etc used by the organization?

5) Is there any probation period in the organization? If so, how long?

6) Is the salary structure same for newly joined persons from probation compared to that of the regular officers. If not so, then how is the salary structure different from regular employees?

7) What data are maintained for a newly joined person?

8) Is the joining process different for different employee subgroups?

9) Is there any one person-one position concept?

10) Is the joining process same for regular & contractual employees?

11) Do you need to intimate (Notification) any other division when a person joins?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks all for the response.