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Purchase Order Deletion

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Dear All,

My Po has been released but anyone can delete it. My client want once Po has been released no one can delete it unless it should be de-released. what type configuration should i do? I know with release indicator it is possible, but which release indicator?

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You can use release indicator control. You can set system action after released

1 Cannot be changed

2 Changeable, no new determination of strategy

3 Changeable, new release in case of new strategy

4 Changeable, new release in case of new strat. or val. change

5 Changeable, new release if new strategy/outputted

6 Changeable, new rel. if new strat. or value change/outputted

If you don't want to be changed, then choose 1

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You can use Changeability 1 for your requirement from below Changeability indicators options but one should use Changeability indicator 4 or 6 as sometime business need to delete or cancel PO after PO released so as to vendor get notification their purchase order is CANCELLED.

1 Cannot be changed

2 Changeable, no new determination of strategy

3 Changeable, new release in case of new strategy

4 Changeable, new release in case of new strat. or val. change

5 Changeable, new release if new strategy/outputted

6 Changeable, new rel. if new strat. or value change/outputted