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Profit Centre in F-28

0 Kudos

Hi SAP Experts,

I am posting customer incoming payment from f-28 and their I am getting error Balancing field "Profit Centre" in line item 003 not field .

Scenario is like I am receiving less amount than the invoice amount so while posting in F-28 I am creating one debit line item for customer with Posting Key 07 for the balance amount.

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Issue is resolved. The payment entry was:

Bank Incoming GL (Debit) (Received amount)

Payment Diff GL (Debit) (Rounding off amount)

Customer A/c (Debit) (Balance amount)

To Customer A/c (Invoice amount)

For Payment difference GL I was giving cost centre 1000 whose profit centre was 1001 but in invoice profit centre is 2001 so it was showing the error message as Zero balance clearing splitting is not activated.

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Ratul,

make sure that all the GLs are assigned with proper line item category.

you said you are using document type DZ, and configuration is good for this document type.

please share us the screen shot of the error message.

Thank you,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Ratul,

The error is related to document splitting. You can refer to this link to check the error from the simulation analysis.

Are you using standard document type DZ or customized document type? If you are using customized document type. Please check your document splitting setting like business transaction variant, item category and GL category setting.


0 Kudos

Hi KK,

I am using standard document type: DZ and for that configuration is also maintained.