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Profit center and material master

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Is there anyway we can stop assigning inactive/blocked profit centers to a material? System is not displaying any hard error if we try to assigning a inactive/unblocked profit center to a material.

I appreciate your response.



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Active Contributor
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SAP does not check the status of profit center at the time of assignment but stops posting to inactive profit centers.

You need to go for custome development


Former Member
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Thanks for your response Srinivas. It's still allowing the postings even after locking the profit center and setting the validity period.



Active Contributor
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Hi Beri

It cant happen.. PC cant be posted to if its not active...

for material master, you can use BADI BADI_MATERIAL_REF

br, Ajay M

Former Member
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Thanks for the reply Ajay. Do you mean we can add the validation in BADI so that it doesn't assign the inactive profit centers to a material?



Active Contributor
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Yes, very much

Former Member
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Hello Ajay,

Can you please explian me what is the use of profit centre in material master?


what is the functionality of PC in MM and why we need to maintain PC in MM

Thanks in advance,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Satya,

Why do we assign a profit center to a cost center or sales order or any cost object? Through this assignment any costs or revenues which are posted to WBSu2019s, as an example, are also automatically posted (statistical) to profit centers..

If we want to track the costs or revenues of any product or product line then we need to maintain the PCA. PCA reporting gives an opportunity to analyze the costs and revenues of that particular product otherwise how can we know whether we are making any profit or not on that particular product?

Let me try to give an example. I want to find out whether I am making any profit or not on the new product I introduced (Ex: new engine). To find out this, we want to define a production profit center and this profit center will be assigned to all the production materials which are associated with the engine materials. When we create a production order, then this production profit center will be assigned to a production order automatically. We can find out the COGM details from production order.

When we create the sales order, the sales order gets the profit center assignment automatically (standard way) and it happens through MM. Once the sales order is completed then we will know the revenue we will be getting. Now the profit center has all the postings like costs and revenue, and based on these details we can analyze whether this product is profitable or not.

I hope I am not confusing you.

