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Production Order Reread Master Data dumps with 5000+ components

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With production orders, it is possible to have up to 9999 components due to the 4 digit length of the item field in the RESB table where components are stored for the order. However, if a production order has 5000 components or more, and a Reread Master Data is performed, the production order will dump due to how the logic is both holding onto the old list of components and new list of components which when added together is over 9999. All other processes with production orders work fine with component lists of 5000 to 9999. The only issue we are seeing is with the Reread of master data. We have seen the issue in both ECC 6 and S/4.

Has anyone faced this issue and determined a solution?

Options explored so far include:

- OSS incident to SAP to fix logic of reread (no agreement to address the logic)

- Explored increasing size of RSPOS field from 4 to 5 in test system (too many issues/complications and no desire for system mod)

- Using "collective orders" (technically could work, but would require many changes to master data structure and processes built around a single production order)

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